
Computer Science Group Publications

J. Lumbreras, M. Tomamichel (2024). Linear bandits with polylogarithmic minimax regret. Machine Learning 1 39
M. Tomamichel, Y.L.Hu (2024). Fundamental limits on quantum cloning from the no-signalling principle. Phys. Rev. A 109
M. Tomamichel, Mario Berta (2024). Entanglement monogamy via multivariate trace inequalities. Comm. Math. Phys. 405
Marco Fanizza, J. Lumbreras, Andreas Winter (2024). Quantum theory in finite dimension cannot explain every general process with finite memory. Comm. Math. Phys. 405
Mario Berta, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin B. Plenio, Bartosz Regula, M. Tomamichel (2023). The tangled state of quantum hypothesis testing. Nature Physics
Giovanni Chesi, Alberto Riccardi, R. Rubboli, Lorenzo Maccone, Chiara Macchiavello (2023). A protocol for global multiphase estimation. Phys. Rev. A 108 012613
C. Hirche, Xinyue Guan, M. Tomamichel (2023). Chain Rules for Renyi Information Combining. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Y. Ouyang, M. Tomamichel, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Barry C. Sanders, Jacquiline Romero, Kaumudibikash Goswami (2023). Approximate reconstructability of quantum states and noisy quantum secret sharing schemes. Phys. Rev. A 108
Mario Berta, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin B. Plenio, Bartosz Regula, M. Tomamichel (2023). On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein\'s lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources. Quantum 7 1103
E. Cervero, Kirill Plekhanov, Michael Lubasch (2023). Barren plateaus in quantum tensor network optimization. Quantum 7 974
M. X. Cao, M. Tomamichel (2023). Comments on “Channel Coding Rate in the Finite Blocklength Regime”: On the Quadratic Decaying Property of the Information Rate Function. IEEE Trans. Inf. 69
Y.L.Hu, Y. Ouyang, M. Tomamichel (2023). Privacy and correctness trade-offs for information-theoretically secure quantum homomorphic encryption. Quantum 7 976
Markus Rambach, Akram Youssry, M. Tomamichel, Jacquiline Romero (2023). Efficient Quantum State Tracking in Noisy Environments. Quantum Science and Technology 8
N. Ramakrishnan, M. Tomamichel, Mario Berta (2023). Moderate deviation expansion for fully quantum tasks. IEEE Trans. Inf. 69 5041 - 5059
Dave Touchette, Ashwin Nayak, R. Jain, Shima Bab Hadiashar, Anurag Anshu (2023). One-shot quantum state redistribution and quantum Markov chains. IEEE Trans. Inf.
Wu.Jiawei, Gui-Lu Long, M. Hayashi (2022). Quantum secure direct communication with private dense coding using general preshared quantum state. Physical Review Applied 17 064011
Y. Li, C. Hirche, M. Tomamichel (2022). Sequential Quantum Channel Discrimination. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 270-275
M. X. Cao, N. Ramakrishnan, Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel (2022). One-Shot Point-to-Point Channel Simulation. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 796-801
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal (2022). A constant rate non-malleable code in the split-state model. IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, G Brian,, A Faonio, J Ribeiro, , M Simkin, , M Skórski, , D Venturi (2022). The Mother of All Leakages: How to Simulate Noisy Leakages via Bounded Leakage (Almost) for Free. IEEE Trans. Inf.
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, N Dottling, , J Dujmovic, , M Hajiabadi, , G Malavolta, D. Aggarwal (2022). Algebraic Restriction Codes and their Applications. Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS)
J Ribeiro, M Simkin, L Siniscalchi, Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal (2022). Two-Source Non-Malleable Extractors and Applications to Privacy Amplification with Tamperable Memory . IEEE Trans. Inf.
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, J Ribeiro, J B Nielsen (2022). Public Randomness Extraction with Ephemeral Roles and Worst-Case Corruptions. Proceedings of CRYPTO
J.Bao, M. Santha, R.Patrick, A.Luongo, João F. Doriguello (2022). Quantum algorithm for stochastic optimal stopping problems with applications in finance. Proceedings of TQC 2:1-2:2:24
Y. Ouyang, M. Tomamichel (2022). Learning quantum graph states with product measurements. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2963-2968
Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel (2022). Chain rules for quantum channels. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2427-2432
R. Rubboli, M. Tomamichel (2022). Fundamental Limits on Correlated Catalytic State Transformations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 120506
J. Lumbreras, E.Haapasalo, M. Tomamichel (2022). Multi-armed quantum bandits: Exploration versus exploitation when learning properties of quantum states. Quantum 06 749
Y. Li, Vincent Y. F. Tan, M. Tomamichel (2022). Optimal Adaptive Strategies for Sequential Quantum Hypothesis Testing. Comm. Math. Phys. 392 993-1027
Kamil Korzekwa, Zbigniew Puchała, M. Tomamichel, Karol Życzkowski (2022). Encoding classical information into quantum resources. IEEE Trans. Inf. 68 4518 - 453
D. Gavinsky, T. Lee, Swagato Sanyal, M. Santha, T. Lee, D. Gavinsky (2022). A composition theorem for randomized query complexity via max conflict complexity. Theory of Computing 18
Anurag Anshu, R. Jain (2022). Efficient methods for one-shot quantum communication. NPJ: Quantum Information
T. Lee, Shengyu Zhang, M. Santha, Tongyang Li, T. Lee (2021). On the cut dimension of a graph. Proceedings of the Computational Complexity Conference 200 15:1-15:35
T. Lee, Shengyu Zhang, M. Santha, T. Lee (2021). Quantum algorithms for graph problems with cut queries. ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 939-958
M. Santha, Siyi Yang, Xin Wang, Maharshi Ray, Yassine Hamoudi, R.Patrick (2021). Quantum algorithms for hedging and the learning of Ising models. Phys. Rev. A 103
M. Santha, S. Massar (2021). Total Functions in QMA. Quantum Information Processing 20(1) pp. 1-35
S.Kundu, Shalev Ben-David, Anurag Anshu (2021). On Query-to-Communication Lifting for Adversary Bounds. Proceedings of the Computational Complexity Conference
S.Kundu, R. Jain (2021). A direct product theorem for quantum communication complexity with applications to device-independent QKD. Proc. IEEE FOCS
R. Jain (2021). Chain-rules for channel capacity. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
S.Kundu, R. Jain (2021). A Direct Product Theorem for One-Way Quantum Communication. Proceedings of the Computational Complexity Conference
Y. Ouyang (2021). Quantum storage in quantum ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 103 144417
Gilad Gour, M. Tomamichel (2021). Entropy and relative entropy from information-theoretic principles. IEEE Trans. Inf. 67 6313 - 632
M.Ray, N.G. Boddu, K. Bharti, L.C. Kwek, Adán Cabello (2021). Graph-theoretic approach to dimension witnessing. New J. Phys. 23 033006
Peng-Hao Niu, Wu.Jiawei, Liu-Guo Yin, Gui-Lu Long (2020). Security Analysis of Measurement-device-independent Quantum Secure Direct Communication. Quantum Information Processing 356
Lu Yang, Wu.Jiawei, ZaiSheng Lin, LiuGuo Yin, GuiLu Long (2020). Quantum secure direct communication with entanglement source and single-photon measurement. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 63
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal, J Ribeiro, L Siniscalchi, I Visconti (2020). How to Extract Useful Randomness from Unreliable Sources. Proceedings of EUROCRYPT
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, M Skorski (2020). Complexity of Estimating Renyi Entropy of Markov Chains. ISIT 2021
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal, S Guo, J Ribeiro, , N Stephens-Davidowitz (2020). Extractors Lower Bounds, Revisited. RANDOM
Gilad Gour, M. Tomamichel (2020). Optimal Extensions of Resource Measures and their Applications. Phys. Rev. A 102 062401
Sergey Bravyi, Robert Koenig, David Gosset, M. Tomamichel (2020). Quantum advantage with noisy shallow circuits. Nature Physics 16 1040–104
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, Daniele Venturi, Mark Simkin, Gianluca Brian, Antonio Faonio (2020). Non-Malleable Secret Sharing against Bounded Joint-Tampering Attacks in the Plain Model. Proceedings of CRYPTO
Stefan Huber, Robert Koenig, M. Tomamichel (2020). Jointly constrained semidefinite bilinear programming with an application to Dobrushin curves. IEEE Trans. Inf. 56(5) 2934-2950
S. Pirandola, U. L. Andersen, L. Banchi, M. Berta, D. Bunandar, R. Colbeck, D. Englund, T. Gehring, C. Lupo, C. Ottaviani, J. Pereira, M. Razavi, J. S. Shaari, M. Tomamichel, V. C. Usenko, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, P. Wallden (2020). Advances in Quantum Cryptography . AOP 12 1012-1236
Akram Youssry, Robert J Chapman, Alberto Peruzzo, Christopher Ferrie, M. Tomamichel (2020). Modeling and Control of a Reconfigurable Photonic Circuit using Deep Learning . Quantum Science and Technology 5 2
Alexander McKinlay, M. Tomamichel (2020). Decomposition Rules for Quantum Rényi Mutual Information with an Application to Information Exclusion Relations. J. Math. Phys. 61 072202
Farzin Salek, Anurag Anshu, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, R. Jain, Javier R. Fonollosa (2020). One-shot Capacity bounds on the Simultaneous Transmission of Classical and Quantum Information. IEEE Trans. Inf. 66 2141-2164
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Mario Berta, R. Jain, M. Tomamichel (2020). Partially smoothed information measures. IEEE Trans. Inf. 66 5022-5036
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, R. Jain (2020). Noisy quantum state redistribution with promise and the Alpha-bit. IEEE Trans. Inf. 66
R. Jain, Carl A. Miller, Yaoyun Shi (2020). Parallel Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution. IEEE Trans. Inf.
Rui He, Jin-Ge Ma, Wu.Jiawei (2019). A quantum secure direct communication protocol using entangled beam pairs. Europhys. Lett. 127
Wu.Jiawei, Zaisheng Lin, Liuguo Yin, Gui-Lu Long (2019). Security of quantum secure direct communication based on Wyner\\\'s wiretap channel theory. Quantum Engineering 1
Sergey Bravyi, David Gosset, Robert Koenig, M. Tomamichel (2019). Quantum advantage with noisy shallow circuits in 3D . IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 995-999
M. Tomamichel, R. Jain, Mario Berta, Anurag Anshu (2019). A minimax approach to one-shot entropy inequalities. J. Math. Phys. 60
Hao-Chung Cheng , Min-Hsiu Hsieh, M. Tomamichel (2019). Quantum Sphere-Packing Bounds with Polynomial Prefactors . IEEE Trans. Inf. 65 5
Kun Fang, Xin Wang, M. Tomamichel, Runyao Duan (2019). Non-asymptotic entanglement distillation . IEEE Trans. Inf. 65 10
Xin Wang, Kun Fang, M. Tomamichel (2019). On converse bounds for classical communication over quantum channels . IEEE Trans. Inf. 65 7
Philip Taranto, Felix A. Pollock, Simon Milz, M. Tomamichel, K. Modi (2019). Quantum Markov Order . Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 140401
Akram Youssry, Christopher Ferrie, M. Tomamichel (2019). Efficient online quantum state estimation using a matrix-exponentiated gradient method . New J. Phys. 21 033006
Maria Quadeer, M. Tomamichel, Christopher Ferrie (2019). Minimax quantum state estimation under Bregman divergence . Quantum 3 126
Christopher T. Chubb, M. Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa (2019). Moderate deviation analysis of majorisation-based resource interconversion . Phys. Rev. A 99 032332
Kamil Korzekwa, Christopher T. Chubb, M. Tomamichel (2019). Avoiding irreversibility: engineering resonant conversions of quantum resources . Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 110403
Francesco Buscemi, David Sutter, M. Tomamichel (2019). An information-theoretic treatment of quantum dichotomies . Quantum 3 209
Youming Qiao, Gábor Ivanyos (2019). Algorithms based on *-algebras, and their applications to isomorphism of polynomials with one secret, group isomorphism, and polynomial identity testing. SIAM Journal of Computing
Lajos Rónyai, Péter Kutas, Gábor Ivanyos (2019). Explicit equivalence of quadratic forms over $\\\\mathbb{F}_q(t)$. Finite Fields and Their Applications
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, E. Purwanto, Mark Simkin, Joao Ribeiro, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Ivan Damgard, D. Aggarwal (2019). Stronger Leakage-Resilient and Non-Malleable Secret-Sharing Schemes for General Access Structures. Proceedings of CRYPTO
E. Purwanto, Maciej Obremski, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Nico Dottling, D. Aggarwal (2019). Continuous non-malleable codes in the 8-split-state model. Springer EUROCRYPT 531-561
M.Ray, T. Lee, M. Santha, T. Lee (2019). Strategies for quantum races. ITCS 14
Gábor Ivanyos, Péter Kutas, Lajos Rónyai (2019). Explicit equivalence of quadratic forms over $\\mathbb{F}_q(t)$. Finite Fields and Their Applications 55 33-63
Youming Qiao, Gábor Ivanyos (2019). Algorithms based on *-algebras, and their applications to isomorphism of polynomials with one secret, group isomorphism, and polynomial identity testing. SIAM Journal of Computing 48 926-963
Y. Wang, I.W. Primaatmaja, E. Lavie, A.Varvitsiotis, C.C.W. Lim (2019). Characterising the correlations of prepare-and-measure quantum networks. NPJ: Quantum Information 5 17
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, NA Warsi (2019). On the near-optimality of one-shot classical communication over quantum channels. J. Math. Phys.
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, NA Warsi (2019). Building blocks for communication over noisy quantum networks. IEEE Trans. Inf. 65 1287-1306
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, NA Warsi (2019). A hypothesis testing approach for communication over entanglement assisted compound quantum channel. IEEE Trans. Inf. 65 2623-2636
D. Aggarwal, Kai-Min Chung, H.H. Lin, T. Vidick (2019). A Quantum-Proof Non-Malleable Extractor, With Application to Privacy Amplification against Active Quantum Adversaries. Springer EUROCRYPT 442-469
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, NA Warsi (2019). Convex-Split and Hypothesis Testing Approach to One-Shot Quantum Measurement Compression and Randomness Extraction. IEEE Trans. Inf. 65 5905-5924
Aarthi Sundaram, M. Santha, Youming Qiao, Raghav Kulkarni, Gábor Ivanyos (2018). On the Complexity of Trial and Error for Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 92 48-64
M. Tomamichel, M. Hayashi (2018). Operational Interpretation of Rényi Information Measures via Composite Hypothesis Testing Against Product and Markov Distributions. IEEE Trans. Inf. 64 1064 - 108
Mario Berta, Volkher B. Scholz , M. Tomamichel (2018). Rényi divergences as weighted non-commutative vector valued L p -spaces . Ann. Henri Poincare 19 1843–186
C. Pfister, M. Adriaan Rol, A.Mantri, M. Tomamichel, S. Wehner (2018). Capacity estimation and verification of quantum channels with arbitrarily correlated errors . Nature Communications 9 27
Alberto Peruzzo, M. Tomamichel, Steven T. Flammia, Zixin Huang, Akib Karim, Robert J. Chapman (2018). Beating the Classical Limits of Information Transmission using a Quantum Decoder . Phys. Rev. A 97 012315
Kamil Korzekwa, M. Tomamichel, Christopher T. Chubb (2018). Beyond the thermodynamic limit: finite-size corrections to state interconversion rates . Quantum 2 108
Kun Fang, Xin Wang, M. Tomamichel, Mario Berta (2018). Quantum Channel Simulation and the Channel\\\'s Smooth Max-Information. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2326-2330
T. Lee, M. Tomamichel, M. Santha, T. Lee, Gavin K. Brennen, D. Aggarwal (2018). Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them. Ledger 3
Justin Yirka, Aarthi Sundaram, Jamie Sikora, M. Santha, Sevag Gharibian (2018). Quantum generalizations of the polynomial hierarchy with applications to QMA(2). International Symposium MFCS 1-16
Lajos Rónyai, Péter Kutas, Gábor Ivanyos (2018). Computing explicit isomorphisms with full matrix algebras over $\mathbb{F}_q(x)$. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 18 381-397
K. V. Subrahmanyam, Youming Qiao, Gábor Ivanyos (2018). Constructive noncommutative rank computation is in deterministic polynomial time. Computational Complexity 27 561–593
K. V. Subrahmanyam, Gábor Ivanyos, Youming Qiao (2018). Constructive noncommutative rank computation is in deterministic polynomial time. Computational Complexity 27 561-593
D. Aggarwal, N. Stephens-Davidowitz (2018). (Gap/S)ETH Hardness of SVP. ACM STOC
P. Mukhopadhyay, D. Aggarwal (2018). Improved algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem and the Closest Vector Problem in the infinity norm. ISAAC
D. Aggarwal, A. Joux, A. Prakash, M. Santha (2018). A new public-key cryptosystem via Mersenne numbers. CRYPTO
G. Ivanyos, Marek Karpinski, M. Santha, Nitin Saxena, Igor Shparlinski (2018). Polynomial Interpolation and Identity Testing from High Powers over Finite Fields. Algorithmica 80 560-575
Mathieu Bozzio, Adeline Orieux, Luis Trigo Vidarte, Isabelle Zaquine, I. Kerenidis, Eleni Diamanti (2018). Experimental investigation of practical unforgeable quantum money. New J. Phys.
T. Lee, M. Tomamichel, M. Santha, T. Lee, Gavin K. Brennen, D. Aggarwal (2018). Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them. Ledger
I. Arad, M. Santha, Aarthi Sundaram, Shengyu Zhang (2018). Linear time algorithm for quantum 2SAT. Theory of Computing 1-27
G. Ivanyos, Y. Qiao (2018). Algorithms based on *-algebras, and their applications to isomorphism of polynomials with one secret, group isomorphism, and polynomial identity testing. ACM SIAM SODA 2357-2376
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, R. Jain (2018). Quantifying Resources in General Resource Theory with Catalysts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121
Youming Qiao, G. Ivanyos (2018). Algorithms based on *-algebras, and their applications to isomorphism of polynomials with one secret, group isomorphism, and polynomial identity testing. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 2357-2376
D. Aggarwal, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (2018). Just Take the Average! An Embarrassingly Simple $2^n$-Time Algorithm for SVP (and CVP). Proceedings of the Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, NA Warsi (2018). A generalized quantum Slepian-Wolf. IEEE Trans. Inf. 64 1436 - 145
G. Ivanyos, Pter Kutas, Lajos Rnyai (2018). Computing explicit isomorphisms with full matrix algebras over $\\mathbb{F}_q(x)$. Foundations of Computational Mathematics
G. Ivanyos, Youming Qiao, K. V. Subrahmanyam (2018). Constructive noncommutative rank computation in deterministic polynomial time over fields of arbitrary characteristics. Computational Complexity
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, NA Warsi (2018). A one-shot achievability result for quantum state redistribution. IEEE Trans. Inf. 64 1425 - 143
A. Anshu, Ankit Garg, Aram Harrow, P. Yao (2018). Expected communication cost of distributed quantum tasks. IEEE Trans. Inf.
Mika Goos, R. Jain, Thomas Watson (2018). Extension Complexity of Independent Set Polytopes. SIAM Journal of Computing 47 241–269
T. Lee, Aleksandrs Belovs, Andris Ambainis, Kaspars Balodis, M. Santha, Juris Smotrovs, T. Lee (2017). Separations in Query Complexity Based on Pointer Functions. JACM 64
M. Tomamichel, Anthony Leverrier (2017). A largely self-contained and complete security proof for quantum key distribution . Quantum 1 14
Hao-Chung Cheng , Min-Hsiu Hsieh, M. Tomamichel (2017). Exponential decay of matrix Φ-entropies on Markov semigroups with applications to dynamical evolutions of quantum ensembles. J. Math. Phys. 58 092202
P. Coles, Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel, S. Wehner (2017). Entropic Uncertainty Relations and their Applications . Rev. Mod. Phys. 89 015002
Mario Berta, Omar Fawzi , M. Tomamichel (2017). On Variational Expressions for Quantum Relative Entropies . Letters in Mathematical Physics 107 2239–226
Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel, Mark M. Wilde (2017). Converse bounds for private communication over quantum channels . IEEE Trans. Inf. 63 1792-1817
David Sutter, Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel (2017). Multivariate Trace Inequalities . Comm. Math. Phys. 352 37–58
Mark M. Wilde, M. Tomamichel, Seth Lloyd, Mario Berta (2017). Gaussian hypothesis testing and quantum illumination . Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 120501
Fumio Hiai, Robert Koenig, M. Tomamichel (2017). Generalized Log-Majorization and Multivariate Trace Inequalities. Ann. Henri Poincare 18 2499–252
Hao-Chung Cheng , Min-Hsiu Hsieh, M. Tomamichel (2017). Sphere-Packing Bound for Symmetric Classical-Quantum Channels . IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 286-290
Christopher T. Chubb, Vincent Y. F. Tan, M. Tomamichel (2017). Moderate deviation analysis for classical communication over quantum channels . Comm. Math. Phys. 355 1283–131
André Chailloux, I. Kerenidis (2017). Optimal bounds for quantum bit commitment. SIAM Journal of Computing 46 1647–167
D. Aggarwal, M. Obremski, T. Kazana (2017). Inception makes non-malleable codes stronger. Theory of Cryptography
A.Prakash, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora, A.Varvitsiotis, Zhaohui Wei (2017). Completely positive semidefinite rank. Mathematical Programming
Vishwas Bhargava, Gábor Ivanyos, Rajat Mittal, Nitin Saxena (2017). Irreducibility and r-th root finding over finite fields. ISSAC 37-44
G. Ivanyos, Youming Qiao, K. V. Subrahmanyam (2017). On generating the ring of matrix semi-invariants. Computational Complexity 26 717-763
D. Gavinsky, D. Gavinsky, R. Jain, H. Klauck, S.Kundu, T. Lee, T. Lee, M. Santha, S. Sanyal, Jevgenijs Vihrovs (2017). Quadratically Tight Relations for Randomized Query Complexity. CSR
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, D. Gavinsky, D. Gavinsky, R. Jain, S.Kundu, T. Lee, T. Lee, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Santha, S. Sanyal (2017). A Composition Theorem for Randomized Query Complexity. FSTTCS
M. Tomamichel, Jesus Martinez-Mateo, Christoph Pacher, David Elkouss (2017). Fundamental Finite Key Limits for Information Reconciliation in Quantum Key Distribution. Quantum Information Processing 16 280
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, V. Krishna, R. Jain (2017). Quantum Communication Using Coherent Rejection Sampling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 120506
A. Anshu, A. Anshu (2017). An upper bound on quantum capacity of unital channels. Proc. IEEE ITW
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Dave Touchette, P. Yao, Nengkun Yu (2017). Exponential Separation of Quantum Communication and Classical Information. ACM STOC 277-288
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Shalev Ben-David, Ankit Garg, R. Jain, Robin Kothari, T. Lee, T. Lee (2017). Separating quantum communication and approximate rank. Proc. IEEE CCC
Jamie William Jonathon Sikora, A.Varvitsiotis (2017). Linear conic formulations for two-party correlations and values of nonlocal games. Mathematical Programming 162 431-463
G. Ivanyos, M. Santha (2017). On solving systems of diagonal polynomial equations over finite fields. Theoretical Computer Science 657 73-85
Z.H. Wei, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora (2017). Device-independent characterizations of the quantum state in a Bell experiment. Phys. Rev. A 95 032103
R. Jain, Z.H. Wei, Penghui Yao, S. Zhang (2017). Multipartite Quantum Correlation and Communication Complexities. Computational Complexity 26 199--228
P. Mukhopadhyay, Y. Qiao (2017). Sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation in the basis of Schubert polynomials. Computational Complexity 26 881-909
Z.H. Wei, S. Zhang (2017). Quantum Game Players Can Have Advantage Without Discord. Information and Computation 256 174-184
D. Aggarwal, O. Regev (2016). A Note on Discrete Gaussian Combinations of Lattice Vectors. CJTCS 1
(2016). Revisiting the {S}anders-{B}ogolyubov-{R}uzsa theorem in $mathbb{F}_p^n$ and its application to non-malleable codes. 1322-1326
C. Pfister, J. Kaniewski, M. Tomamichel, , R. Schmucker, N. McMahon, G. Milburn, S. Wehner (2016). A universal test for gravitational decoherence. Nature Communications 7 13022
M. Tomamichel, Mark M. Wilde, A. Winter (2016). Strong Converse Rates for Quantum Communication. IEEE Trans. Inf. 63 1
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, I. Arad, Thomas Vidick (2016). Simple proof of the detectability lemma and spectral gap amplification. Phys. Rev. B 93 205142
A. Anshu, A. Anshu (2016). Concentration bounds for quantum states with finite correlation length on quantum spin lattice systems. New J. Phys. 18 083011
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, P. Mukhopadhyay, Ala Shayeghi, P. Yao (2016). New One Shot Quantum Protocols With Application to Communication Complexity. IEEE Trans. Inf. 62 7566 - 757
Prahladh Harsha, R. Jain, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan (2016). Partition bound is quadratically tight for product distributions. Proceedings of ICALP
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, I. Arad, Aditya Jain (2016). How local is the information in MPS/PEPS tensor networks?. Phys. Rev. B 94 195143
Ashwin Nayak, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora, Levent Tuncel (2016). A search for quantum coin-flipping protocols using optimization techniques. Mathematical Programming 156 581-613
Frederic Magniez, Ashwin Nayak, M. Santha, Jonah Sherman, G. Ivanyos, David Xiao (2016). Improved bounds for the randomized decision tree complexity of recursive majority. Random Structures and Algorithms 48 612-638
Andre Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, S.Kundu, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora (2016). Optimal bounds for parity-oblivious random access codes. New J. Phys. 045003
Alex B. Grilo, I. Kerenidis, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora (2016). QMA with subset state witnesses. CJTCS
Jamie William Jonathon Sikora, A.Varvitsiotis, Z.H. Wei (2016). Minimum dimension of a Hilbert space needed to generate a quantum correlation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 060401
Jamie William Jonathon Sikora (2016). Simple, near-optimal quantum protocols for die-rolling based on integer-commitment. TQCCC
Jamie William Jonathon Sikora, A.Varvitsiotis, Z.H. Wei (2016). Device-independent dimension tests in the prepare-and-measure scenario. Phys. Rev. A 94 042125
Gabor Braun, R. Jain, T. Lee, T. Lee, Sebastian Pokutta (2016). Information-theoretic approximations of the nonnegative rank. Computational Complexity 26 147–197
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Aleksandrs Belovs, Shalev Ben-David, Mika Goos, R. Jain, Robin Kothari, T. Lee, T. Lee, M. Santha (2016). Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity. Proc. IEEE FOCS 555-564
Nikhil Balaji, Samir Datta, R. Kulkarni, S. Podder (2016). Graph properties in node-query setting: effect of breaking symmetry. International Symposium MFCS
Alex B. Grilo, I. Kerenidis, A. Pereszlenyi (2016). Pointer Quantum PCPs and Multi-Prover Games. International Symposium MFCS
I. Arad, A. Bouland, D. Grier, M. Santha, A. Sundaram, S. Zhang (2016). On the complexity of probabilistic trials for hidden satisfiability problems. International Symposium MFCS 12 1-14
Andris Ambainis, Kaspars Balodis, Aleksandrs Belovs, T. Lee, T. Lee, M. Santha, Juris Smotrovs (2016). Separation in query complexity based on pointer functions. Proceedings of ACM STOC 800-813
D. Gavinsky, D. Gavinsky (2016). Entangled simultaneity versus classical interactivity in communication complexity. Proceedings of ACM STOC
D. Gavinsky, D. Gavinsky, Pavel Pudlak (2016). On the Joint Entropy of d-Wise-Independent Variables. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 57 333-343
Iordanis Kerenidis, Andr Chailloux, Srijita Kundu, Jamie Sikora (2016). Optimal bounds for parity-oblivious random access codes with applications. New J. Phys. 18 045003
R. Jain (2016). New strong direct product results in communication complexity. JACM 62
Nilanjana Datta, M. Tomamichel, Mark M. Wilde (2015). Second-Order Coding Rates for Entanglement-Assisted Communication. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
M. Tomamichel, Vincent Y. F. Tan (2015). Second-Order Asymptotics of Classical-Quantum Channels. Comm. Math. Phys. 338 103–137
Sevag Gharibian, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora (2015). Ground state connectivity of local Hamiltonians. Proceedings of ICALP 9134 617-628
Robin Kothari, DR.Desloges, M. Santha (2015). Separating decision tree complexity from subcube partition complexity. Proceedings of International Workshop on Randomization and Computation 915-930
Chakraborty, Sourav, R. Kulkarni, Lokam, Satyanarayana V., Saurabh, Nitin (2015). Upper Bounds on Fourier Entropy. Computing and Combinatorics 9198
Lunghi, T., J. Kaniewski, Bussieres, F., Houlmann, R., M. Tomamichel, S. Wehner, Zbinden, H. (2015). Practical Relativistic Bit Commitment. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 30502
Sattath, Or, I. Arad (2015). A CONSTRUCTIVE QUANTUM LOVASZ LOCAL LEMMA FOR COMMUTING PROJECTORS. Quantum Information and Computation 15
Tan, Vincent Yan Fu, M. Tomamichel (2015). The Third-Order Term in the Normal Approximation for the AWGN Channel. IEEE Trans. Inf. 61
R. Kulkarni, Y. Qiao, Sun, Xiaoming (2015). On the Power of Parity Queries in Boolean Decision Trees. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation 9076
Lin Simon M., M. Tomamichel (2015). Investigating properties of a family of quantum Renyi divergences. Quantum Information Processing 14
I. Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Virginie Lerays, Jeremie Roland, David Xiao (2015). Lower Bounds on Information Complexity via Zero-Communication Protocols and Applications. SIAM Journal of Computing 44
Ralph C. Bottesch, D. Gavinsky, D. Gavinsky, H. Klauck (2015). Equality, Revisited. International Symposium MFCS 2 127-138
M. Santha (2015). Quantum and randomized query complexities. International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation 18-19
Ralph C. Bottesch, D. Gavinsky, D. Gavinsky, H. Klauck (2015). Correlation in Hard Distributions in Communication Complexity. RANDOM 544-572
Christopher Perry, R. Jain, J. Oppenheim (2015). Communication tasks with infinite quantum-classical separation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 030504
Lila Fontes, R. Jain, I. Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Mathieu Laurier, Jeremie Roland (2015). Relative discrepancy does not separate information and communication complexity. Proceedings of ICALP
Anna Pappa, Niraj Kumar, Thomas Lawson, M. Santha, S. Zhang, Eleni Diamanti, I. Kerenidis (2015). Nonlocality and conflicting interest games. Phys. Rev. Lett. 020401
H. Klauck, Danupon Nanongkai, Gopal Pandurangan, Peter Robinson (2015). Distributed Computation of Large-scale Graph Problems. ACM SIAM SODA 391-410
T. Lee, T. Lee, Frederic Magniez, M. Santha (2015). Improved quantum query algorithms for Triangle Finding and Associativity Testing. Algorithmica 1486-1502
M. Tomamichel, Mario Berta, M. Hayashi (2014). Relating different quantum generalizations of the conditional Renyi entropy. J. Math. Phys. 55 082206
Mario Berta, Matthias Christandl, Fabian Furrer, Volkher B. Scholz, M. Tomamichel (2014). Continuous Variable Entropic Uncertainty Relations in the Presence of Quantum Memory. J. Math. Phys. 55 122205
M. Tomamichel, Vincent Y. F. Tan (2014). Second-Order Coding Rates for Channels with State. IEEE Trans. Inf. 60 8
Andre Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, Jamie William Jonathon Sikora (2014). Strong connections between quantum encodings, nonlocality, and cryptography. Phys. Rev. A 89 022334
H. Klauck, S. Podder (2014). New Bounds for the Garden-Hose Model . Proceedings of FSTTCS
J. Kaniewski, M. Tomamichel, S. Wehner (2014). Entropic uncertainty from effective anticommutators. Phys. Rev. A 90 012332
Katalin Friedl, G. Ivanyos, Frederic Magniez, M. Santha, Pranab Sen (2014). Hidden Translation and Translating Coset in Quantum Computing. SIAM Journal of Computing 43 1-24
T. Decker, P. Hoyer, G. Ivanyos, M. Santha (2014). Polynomial time quantum algorithms for certain bivariate hidden polynomial problems. Quantum Information and Computation 14 790806
Nathanael Francois, R. Jain, Frederic Magniez (2014). Input/Output Streaming Complexity of Reversal and Sorting. RANDOM 654-668
R. Jain, A. Pereszlenyi, P. Yao (2014). A parallel repetition theorem for entangled two-player one-round games under product distributions. Proc. IEEE CCC 209-216
A. Nayak, R. Jain (2014). The space complexity of recognizing well-parenthesized expressions in the streaming model: the Index function revisited. IEEE Trans. Inf. 60 1-23
Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay, R. Jain, J. Oppenheim, Christopher Perry (2014). Conclusive Exclusion of Quantum States. Phys. Rev. A 89 22336-2234
T. Decker, G. Ivanyos, R. Kulkarni, Y. Qiao, M. Santha (2014). An efficient quantum algorithm for finding hidden parabolic subgroups in the general linear group. International Symposium MFCS 226-238
G. Ivanyos, R. Kulkarni, Y. Qiao, M. Santha, A. Sundaram (2014). On the complexity of trial and error for constraint satisfaction problems. Proceedings of ICALP 663-675
Joshua A. Grochow, Y. Qiao (2014). Algorithms for group isomorphism via group extensions and cohomology. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity
G. Ivanyos, Marek Karpinski, Y. Qiao, M. Santha (2014). Generalized Wong sequences and their applications to Edmonds. Proceedings of STACS 25 397-408
H. Klauck, S. Podder (2014). Two Results about Quantum Messages. International Symposium MFCS
Michael Elkin, H. Klauck, Danupon Nanongkai, Gopal Pandurangan (2014). Can Quantum Communication Speed Up Distributed Computation?. ACM Symposium PODC
H. Klauck, V. Prakash (2014). An Improved Interactive Streaming Algorithm for the Distinct Elements Problem. Proceedings of ICALP 928-939
Frédéric Dupuis, Oleg Szehr, M. Tomamichel (2014). A decoupling approach to classical data transmission over quantum channels. IEEE Trans. Inf. 60 1562-1572
R. Kulkarni, M. Santha (2013). Query complexity of matroids. CIAC 300-311
R. Jain, Yaoyun Shi, Z.H. Wei, S. Zhang (2013). Efficient protocols for generating bipartite classical distributions and quantum states. IEEE Trans. Inf. 59 5171-5178
Prahladh Harsha, R. Jain (2013). A strong direct product theorem for the tribes function via the smooth-rectangle bound. Proceedings of FSTTCS 141-152
T. Decker, G. Ivanyos, M. Santha, Pawel Wocjan (2013). Hidden Symmetry Subgroup Problems. SIAM Journal of Computing 42 1987-2007
H. Klauck, V. Prakash (2013). Streaming computations with a loquacious prover. Proc. ICS 305-320
H. Klauck, Ronald de Wolf (2013). Fooling One-Sided Quantum Protocols. Proceedings of STACS 424-433
Martin Müller-Lennert, Frédéric Dupuis, Oleg Szehr, Serge Fehr, M. Tomamichel (2013). On quantum Renyi entropies: a new generalization and some properties. J. Math. Phys. 54 122203
T. Lunghi, J. Kaniewski, F. Bussieres, R. Houlmann, M. Tomamichel, A. Kent, N. Gisin, S. Wehner, H. Zbinden (2013). Experimental bit commitment based on quantum communication and special relativity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 180504
Sevag Gharibian, Jamie Sikora, S. Upadhyay (2013). QMA variants with polynomially many provers. Quantum Information and Computation 13 0135-0157
M. Tomamichel, Vincent Y. F. Tan (2013). A Tight Upper Bound for the Third-Order Asymptotics for Most Discrete Memoryless Channels. IEEE Trans. Inf. 59 7041 - 705
M. Tomamichel, M. Hayashi (2013). A Hierarchy of Information Quantities for Finite Block Length Analysis of Quantum Tasks. IEEE Trans. Inf. 59 7693 - 771
M. Tomamichel, E. Hänggi (2013). The Link between Entropic Uncertainty and Nonlocality. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 055301
M.E. McKague (2013). On the power quantum computation over real Hilbert spaces. Int. J. Quant. Info. 11 1350001
M. Tomamichel, Serge Fehr, J. Kaniewski, S. Wehner (2013). A Monogamy-of-Entanglement Game With Applications to Device-Independent Quantum Cryptography. New J. Phys. 15 103002
Atul Mantri, J. Fitzsimons, C.A. Delgado (2013). Optimal Blind Quantum Computation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 230502
Ankit Gupta, Neeraj Kayal, Y. Qiao (2013). Random Arithmetic Formulas can be Reconstructed Efficiently (extended abstract). Proc. IEEE CCC
R. Kulkarni, Y. Qiao, Xiaoming Sun (2013). Any Monotone Property of 3-Uniform Hypergraphs Is Weakly Evasive. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation 224-235
Charles Ci Wen Lim, Christopher Portmann, M. Tomamichel, Renato Renner, Nicolas Gisin (2013). Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Local Bell Test. Phys. Rev. X 3 031006
A. Anshu, A. Anshu, M. Mhalla (2013). Pseudo-telepathy games and genuine NS k-way nonlocality using graph states. Quantum Information and Computation 13 0834-0846
J. Kaniewski, M. Tomamichel, E. Hänggi, S. Wehner (2013). Secure bit commitment from relativistic constraints. IEEE Trans. Inf. 59 4687-4699
M. Tomamichel, Serge Fehr, J. Kaniewski, S. Wehner (2013). One-Sided Device-Independent QKD and Position-Based Cryptography from Monogamy Games. Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 7881 609-625
Oleg Szehr, Frederic Dupuis, M. Tomamichel, Renato Renner (2013). Decoupling with unitary almost two-designs. New J. Phys. 15 053022
Alexander Vitanov, Frederic Dupuis, M. Tomamichel, Renato Renner (2013). Chain Rules for Smooth Min- and Max-Entropies. IEEE Trans. Inf. 59 2603 - 261
Anna Pappa, Andr Chailloux, S. Wehner, Eleni Diamanti, I. Kerenidis (2012). Multipartite Entanglement Verification Resistant against Dishonest Parties. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 260502
T. Lee, T. Lee, Jeremie Roland (2012). A strong direct product theorem for quantum query complexity. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 27 236-246
C.A. Delgado, Marcin Zwierz, Pieter Kok (2012). Ultimate limits to quantum metrology and the meaning of the Heisenberg limit. Phys. Rev. A 2112 8
G. Ivanyos, H. Klauck, T. Lee, T. Lee, M. Santha, Ronald de Wolf (2012). New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some graph properties. Proceedings of FSTTCS 148-159
T. Lee, T. Lee, Frederic Magniez, M. Santha (2012). Learning graph based quantum query algorithms for finding constant-size subgraphs. CJTCS 2012 1-21
R. Jain, I. Kerenidis, Greg Kuperberg, M. Santha, Or Sattah, S. Zhang (2012). On the power of a unique quantum witness. Theory of Computing 8 375-400
M.E. McKague, T.H. Yang, V. Scarani (2012). Robust Self Testing of the Singlet. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 45 455304
A. Pereszlenyi (2012). On Quantum Interactive Proofs with Short Messages. CJTCS 2012
C.A. Delgado, Mark E. Pearce, Pieter Kok (2012). Fundamental Limits of Classical and Quantum Imaging. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109
Fabian Furrer, Torsten Franz, Mario Berta, Volkher B. Scholz, M. Tomamichel, Reinhard F. Werner (2012). Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution: Finite-Key Analysis of Composable Security against Coherent Attacks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 100502
R. Jain, Yaoyun Shi, Z.H. Wei, S. Zhang (2012). Correlation/Communication complexity of generating bipartite states. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
R. Jain, A. Pereszlenyi, P. Yao (2012). A direct product theorem for bounded-round public-coin randomized communication complexity. Proc. IEEE FOCS
M. Tomamichel, Charles Lim Ci Wen, Nicolas Gisin, Renato Renner (2012). Tight Finite-Key Analysis for Quantum Cryptography . Nature Communications 3 634
M. Tomamichel (2012). A Framework for Non-Asymptotic Quantum Information Theory. PhD Thesis
I. Kerenidis, S. Wehner (2012). Long distance two-party quantum cryptography made simple. Quantum Information Processing 12 0448-0460
Stefanie Barz, Elham Kashefi, Anne Broadbent, J. Fitzsimons, Anton Zeilinger, Philip Walther (2012). Experimental Demonstration of Blind Quantum Computing. Science 303
R. Jain, A. Nayak (2012). A short proof of the Quantum Substate Theorem. IEEE Trans. Inf. 58 3664 - 366
Frederic Magniez, A. Nayak, Peter Richter, M. Santha (2012). On the hitting times of quantum versus random walks. Algorithmica 63 98-116
G. Ivanyos, Luc Sanselme, M. Santha (2012). An efficient quantum algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem in nil-2 groups. Algorithmica 62 480-498
F. Magniez, M. de Rougemont, M. Santha, X. Zeitoun (2011). The complexity of approximate Nash equilibrium in congestion games with negative delays. Proceedings of WINE 266-277
M. Tomamichel, Christian Schaffner, Adam Smith, Renato Renner (2011). Leftover Hashing Against Quantum Side Information. IEEE Trans. Inf. 57 5524-5535
M. Tomamichel, Renato Renner (2011). The Uncertainty Relation for Smooth Entropies. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 110506
Severin Winkler, M. Tomamichel, Stefan Hengl, Renato Renner (2011). Impossibility of Growing Quantum Bit Commitments. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 090502
Anna Pappa, Andre Chailloux, Eleni Diamanti, I. Kerenidis (2011). Practical Quantum Coin Flipping. Phys. Rev. A 84 052305
J. Fitzsimons (2011). Review of algebraic cryptanalysis by Gregory V. Bard. abbrv 42 14-18
Jop Briet, Harry Buhrman, T. Lee, T. Lee, Thomas Vidick (2011). All Schatten spaces endowed with the Schur product are Q-algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis 262 1-9
J. Silman, A. Chailloux, N. Aharon, I. Kerenidis, S. Pironio, S. Massar (2011). Fully Distrustful Quantum Cryptography. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 220501
Andre Chailloux, I. Kerenidis (2011). Optimal bounds for quantum bit commitment. Proc. IEEE FOCS
Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Simon C. Benjamin, J. Fitzsimons (2011). Entangling unstable optically active matter qubits. Phys. Rev. A 83 060303
Tom Close, Femi Fadugba, Simon C. Benjamin, J. Fitzsimons, Brendon W. Lovett (2011). Rapid and robust spin state amplification. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 167204
Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Simon C. Benjamin, J. Fitzsimons (2011). Magnet field sensing beyond the standard quantum limit under the effect of decoherence. Phys. Rev. A 84 012103
M.E. McKague (2011). Super-quantum non-local correlations in quaternionic quantum theory. Int. J. Quant. Info.
M.E. McKague (2011). Self-testing graph states. Proceedings of TQC
S. Zhang (2011). On the Power of Lower Bound Methods for One-Way Quantum Communication Complexity. Proceedings of ICALP 1 49-60
Frederic Magniez, A. Nayak, Jeremie Roland, M. Santha (2011). Search via Quantum Walk. SIAM Journal of Computing 1 142-164
Andre Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, B. Rosgen (2011). Quantum Commitments from Complexity Assumptions. Proceedings of ICALP 73-85
T. Lee, T. Lee, Rajat Mittal, Ben Reichardt, Robert Spalek, M. Szegedy (2011). Quantum query complexity of state conversion. Proc. IEEE FOCS
R. Jain, S. Zhang (2011). The influence lower bound via query elimination. Theory of Computing
R. Jain, P. Yao (2011). A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Positive Semidefinite Programming. Proc. IEEE FOCS
M. Tomamichel, Roger Colbeck, Renato Renner (2010). Duality Between Smooth Min- and Max-Entropies. IEEE Trans. Inf. 56 4674-4681
Marc Kaplan, I. Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Jeremie Roland (2010). Non-Local Box Complexity and Secure Function Evaluation. Quantum Information and Computation 11 40-69
Andre Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, Jamie Sikora (2010). Lower Bounds for Quantum Oblivious Transfer. Proceedings of FSTTCS
Earl T. Campbell, J. Fitzsimons (2010). An introduction to one-way quantum computing in distributed architectures. Int. J. Quant. Info. 8 219-258
R. Jain (2010). Resource requirements of private quantum channels and consequences for oblivious remote state preparation. Journal of Cryptology 1-13
G. Ivanyos, M. Karpinski, N. Saxena (2010). Deterministic polynomial time algorithms for matrix completion problems. SIAM Journal of Computing 39 3736-3751
T. Lee, T. Lee, S. Zhang (2010). Composition theorems in communication complexity . Proceedings of ICALP
M. Schaffry, E.M. Gauger, J.J.L. Morton, J. Fitzsimons, S.C. Benjamin, B.W. Lovett (2010). Quantum metrology with molecular ensembles. Phys. Rev. A 82 042114
B. Rosgen (2010). Testing non-isometry is QMA-complete. Proceedings of TQC
Y. Matsuzaki, S.C. Benjamin, J. Fitzsimons (2010). Distributed quantum computation with arbitrarily poor photon detection. Phys. Rev. A 82 010302
R. Jain, H. Klauck, M. Santha (2010). Optimal Direct Sum Results for Deterministic and Randomized Decision Tree Complexity. Inf. Proc. Lett 110 893-897
B. Rosgen (2010). Computational distinguishability of degradable and antidegradable channels. Quantum Information and Computation 10 735-746
R. Jain, Z. Ji, S. Upadhyay, J. Watrous (2010). QIP = PSPACE. Proceedings of ACM STOC 573-582
R. Jain, H. Klauck (2010). The Partition Bound for Classical Communication Complexity and Query Complexity. Proc. IEEE CCC 247
R. Jain, H. Klauck, S. Zhang (2010). Depth-Independent Lower bounds on Communication Complexity of Read-Once Boolean Functions. COCOON 16
Y. Matsuzaki, S.C. Benjamin, J. Fitzsimons (2010). Probabilistic growth of large entangled states with low error accumulation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 050501
M. Tomamichel, Roger Colbeck, Renato Renner (2009). A Fully Quantum Asymptotic Equipartition Property. IEEE Trans. Inf. 55 5840-5847
Andre Chailloux, I. Kerenidis (2009). Optimal quantum strong coin flipping. Proc. IEEE FOCS
M.E. McKague, M. Mosca, N. Gisin (2009). Simulating quantum systems using real hilbert spaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 020505
M.E. McKague (2009). Device independent quantum key distribution secure against coherent attacks with memoryless measurement devices. New J. Phys. 11 103037
T. Decker (2009). Symmetric measurements attaining the accessible information. IEEE Trans. Inf. 55 2375-2383
T. Decker, J. Draisma, P. Wocjan (2009). Quantum algorithm for identifying hidden polynomial function graphs. Quantum Information and Computation 9 215-230
G. Ivanyos, M. Karpinski, N. Saxena (2009). Schemes for deterministic polynomial factoring. ISSAC 191-198
T. Lee, T. Lee, A. Shraibman (2009). Disjointness is hard in the multi-party number-on-the-forehead model. Proc. IEEE CCC 309-336
T. Lee, T. Lee, R. Mittal (2009). Product theorems via semidefinite programming.. Proceedings of ICALP 5125 674-685
T. Lee, T. Lee, A. Shraibman (2009). An approximation algorithm for approximation rank. Proc. IEEE CCC 351-357
T. Lee, T. Lee, G. Schechtman,, A. Shraibman (2009). Lower bounds on quantum multiparty communication complexity . Proc. IEEE CCC 254-262
P. Harsha, R. Jain, D.M. Allester, J. Radhakrishnan (2009). The communication complexity of correlation. IEEE Trans. Inf. 56 438 - 449
R. Jain, S. Zhang (2009). New bounds on classical and quantum one-way communication complexity. Theoretical Computer Science 410 2463-2477
M. Santha, M. Szegedy (2009). Quantum and classical query complexities of local search are polynomially related. Algorithmica 55 557-575
R. Cleve, D. Gavinsky, R. Jain (2009). Entanglement-resistant two-prover interactive proof systems and non-adaptive private information retrieval systems. Quantum Information and Computation 9 648-656
R. Jain, J. Radhakrishnan, P. Sen (2009). A new information-theoretic property about quantum states with an application to privacy in quantum communication. JACM 56
R. Jain, A. Kolla, G. Midrijanis, B.W. Reichardt (2009). On parallel composition of zero-knowledge proofs with black-box quantum simulators. Quantum Information and Computation 9 513-532
R. Jain, J. Watrous (2009). Parallel approximation of non-interactive zero-sum quantum games. Proc. IEEE CCC 243-253
R. Jain, H. Klauck (2009). New Results in the Simultaneous Message Passing Model via Information Theoretic Techniques. Proc. IEEE CCC 369-378
K. Friedl, G. Ivanyos, M. Santha, Y.F. Verhoeven (2009). On the black-box complexity of Sperner's Lemma. Theory of Computing Systems 45 629-646
K. Friedl, F. Magniez, M. Santha, P. Sen (2009). Quantum testers for hidden group properties. Fundamenta Informaticae 91 325-340
R. Jain, S. Upadhyay, J. Watrous (2009). Two-message quantum interactive proofs are in PSPACE. Proc. IEEE FOCS
C.E. Bardyn, , M.E. McKague, S. Massar, V. Scarani (2009). Device independent state estimation based on Bell. Phys. Rev. A 80 062327
B. Witzigmann, M. Tomamichel, S. Steiger, R.G. Veprek, K. Kojima, U.T. Schwarz (2008). Analysis of Gain and Luminescence in Violet and Blue GaInN–GaN Quantum Wells. IEEE JQE 44 144-149
D. Bacon, T. Decker (2008). Optimal single-copy measurement for the hidden-subgroup problem. Phys. Rev. A 77 032335
D. Janzing, T. Decker (2008). How much is a quantum controller controlled by the controlled system?. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 19 241-258
P. Wocjan, D. Janzing, T. Decker, T. Beth (2008). Measuring 4-local n-qubit observables could probabilistically solve PSPACE. Quantum Information and Computation 8 741-755
G. Ivanyos, A.B. Nagy, L. Rnyai (2008). Constructions for quantum computing with symmetrized gates. Quantum Information and Computation 8 0411-0429
G. Ivanyos (2008). On solving systems of random linear disequations. Quantum Information and Computation 8 0579-0594
T. Lee, T. Lee, A. Shraibman, R. Spalek (2008). A direct product theorem for discrepancy. Proc. IEEE CCC 71-80
A.M. Childs, T. Lee, T. Lee (2008). Optimal quantum adversary lower bounds for ordered search. . Proceedings of ICALP 5125 869-880
R. Jain (2008). New binding-concealing trade-offs for quantum string commitment. Journal of Cryptology 24 579-592
R. Jain, A. Nayak, Y. Su (2008). A separation between divergence and Holevo information for ensembles. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation 526-541
J. Ivanyos, L. Sanselme, M. Santha (2008). An efficient quantum algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem in nil-2 groups. Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics 759-771
M. Santha (2008). Quantum walk based search algorithms. International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation 31-46
S. Hemon, M.D. Rougemont, M. Santha (2008). Approximate Nash equilibria for multi-player games. Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory 267-278
R. Jain, H. Klauck, A. Nayak (2008). Direct product theorems for classical communication complexity via subdistribution bounds. Proceedings of ACM STOC 599-608
Wim van Dam, Frederic Magniez, Michele Mosca, M. Santha (2007). Self-testing of universal and fault-tolerant sets of quantum gates. SIAM Journal of Computing 2 611-629
Frederic Magniez, M. Santha, Mario Szegedy (2007). Quantum algorithms for the triangle problem. SIAM Journal of Computing 2 413-424
R. Cleve, W. Slofstra, F. Unger, S. Upadhyay (2007). Perfect parallel repetition theorem for quantum XOR proof systems.. Proc. IEEE CCC
T. Lee, T. Lee (2007). A new rank technique for formula size lower bounds. Proceedings of STACS 4393 145-156
P. Hoyer, T. Lee, T. Lee, R. Spalek (2007). Negative weights make adversaries stronger. ACM STOC 526-535
T. Lee, T. Lee, A. Shraibman (2007). Lower bounds on communication complexity . Foundations & Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 4 263-399
D. Janzing, T. Decker (2006). Minimally disturbing Heisenberg-Weyl symmetric measurements using hard-core collisions of Schrdinger particles. J. Math. Phys. 47 082102
T. Decker, M. Grassl (2006). Implementation of generalized measurements with minimal disturbance on a quantum computer. Fortschritte der Physik 54 898-916
L. Fortnow, T. Lee, T. Lee, N. Vereshchagin (2006). Kolmogorov Complexity with Error. Proceedings of ACM STOC 3884 137-148
S. Laplante, T. Lee, T. Lee, M. Szegedy (2006). The quantum adversary method and formula size lower bounds . Proc. IEEE CCC 15 163-196
R. Jain (2006). Communication complexity of remote state preparation with entanglement. Quantum Information and Computation 6 461-464
T. Decker, D. Janzing, M. Rtteler (2005). Implementation of group-covariant positive operator valued measures by orthogonal measurements. J. Math. Phys. 44 012104
R. Jain, J. Radhakrishnan, P. Sen (2005). Prior entanglement, message compression and privacy in quantum communication. Proc. IEEE CCC 285-296
T. Decker, D. Janzing, T. Beth (2004). Quantum circuits for single-qubit measurements corresponding to platonic solids. Int. J. Quant. Info. 2 353-377
H. Buhrman, T. Lee, T. Lee, D. van Melkebeek (2004). Language Compression and Pseudorandom Generators. Proc. IEEE CCC 14 228-255
T. Lee, T. Lee, A. Romashchenko (2004). Resource Bounded Symmetry of Information Revisited . Theoretical Computer Science 345 386-405
D. Janzing, T. Decker, T. Beth (2003). Performing joint measurements and transformations on several qubits by operating on a single control qubit. Phys. Rev. A 67 042320
R. Jain, J. Radhakrishnan, P. Sen (2003). A direct sum theorem in communication complexity via message compression. Proceedings of ICALP 187
R. Jain, J. Radhakrishnan, P. Sen (2003). A lower bound for bounded round quantum communication complexity of set disjointness. Proc. IEEE FOCS 220
T. Lee, T. Lee (2003). Arithmetical Definability over Finite Structures. Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 385-392
R. Jain, J. Radhakrishnan, P. Sen (2002). The quantum communication complexity of the pointer chasing problem: the bit version. Proceedings of FSTTCS 218-229
A. Deshpande, R. Jain, S.V. Lokam, J. Radhakrishnan, K. Telikapalli (2002). Improved lower bounds for locally decodable codes. Proc. IEEE CCC 152-161
R. Jain, J. Radhakrishnan, P. Sen (2002). Privacy and interaction in quantum communication complexity and a theorem about the relative entropy of quantum states. Proc. IEEE FOCS 429-438
V. Tereshko, T. Lee, T. Lee (2002). How Information-Mapping Patterns Determine Foraging Behaviour of a Honey Bee Colony . Open Sys. Info. Dyn. 9 1-13
M. X. Cao, N. Ramakrishnan, Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel Channel Simulation: Finite Blocklengths and Broadcast Channels. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Maciej Lukasz Obremski, B Obbattu, B Kanukurthi, S Sekar, D. Aggarwal Non-malleable Codes with rate 1/3 via Rate Boosters. Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC)
N. Ramakrishnan, M. Tomamichel, Mario Berta Moderate Deviation Analysis for Quantum State Transfer. ITW
Y. Ouyang Permutation-invariant quantum coding for quantum deletion channels.
Y. Ouyang, Taro Shibayama The equivalence between correctability of deletions and insertions of separable states in quantum codes. ITW
Niraj Kumar, Eleni Diamanti, I. Kerenidis Efficient quantum communications with multiplexed coherent state fingerprints. Phys. Rev. A
Gabor Ivanyos, Anupam Prakash, M. Santha On learning linear functions from subset and its applications in quantum computing.
Gábor Ivanyos Finding hidden Borel subgroups of the general linear group. Quantum Information and Computation