Divesh Aggarwal
Principal Investigator
Centre for Quantum Technologies
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore


  • N.G. Boddu, R. Jain, D. Aggarwal. Quantum secure non-malleable codes in the split-state model.
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, N.G. Boddu, R. Jain, D. Aggarwal. Quantum Measurement Adversary.
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, Luisa Siniscalchi, Mark Simkin , Joao Ribeiro, D. Aggarwal. Computational and Information-Theoretic Two-Source (Non-Malleable) Extractors.
  • Yixin Shen, Rajendra Kumar, Yanlin Chen, D. Aggarwal. Improved (Provable) Algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem via Bounded Distance Decoding.
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal. A constant-rate non-malleable code in the split-state model..
  • Noah Heskel Sklaire Stephens-Davidowitz, Phong Q. Nguyen, Jianwei Li, D. Aggarwal. Slide Reduction, Revisited---Filling the Gaps in SVP Approximation.
  • Noah Heskel Sklaire Stephens-Davidowitz, D. Aggarwal. An improved constant in Banaszczyk\'s transference theorem.
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal. Inception makes non-malleable codes shorter as well!.


  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal. (2022). A constant rate non-malleable code in the split-state model. IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, N Dottling, , J Dujmovic, , M Hajiabadi, , G Malavolta, D. Aggarwal. (2022). Algebraic Restriction Codes and their Applications. Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS)
  • J Ribeiro, M Simkin, L Siniscalchi, Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal. (2022). Two-Source Non-Malleable Extractors and Applications to Privacy Amplification with Tamperable Memory . IEEE Trans. Inf.
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal, J Ribeiro, L Siniscalchi, I Visconti. (2020). How to Extract Useful Randomness from Unreliable Sources. Proceedings of EUROCRYPT
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, D. Aggarwal, S Guo, J Ribeiro, , N Stephens-Davidowitz. (2020). Extractors Lower Bounds, Revisited. RANDOM
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, Noah Heskel Sklaire Stephens-Davidowitz, Joao Ribeiro, D. Aggarwal, Siyao Guo. (2020). Extractor Lower Bounds, Revisited. RANDOM
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, Ivan Visconti, Luisa Siniscalchi, João Ribeiro, D. Aggarwal. (2020). How to Extract Useful Randomness from Unreliable Sources. Proceedings of EUROCRYPT
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, E. Purwanto, Mark Simkin, Joao Ribeiro, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Ivan Damgard, D. Aggarwal. (2019). Stronger Leakage-Resilient and Non-Malleable Secret-Sharing Schemes for General Access Structures. Proceedings of CRYPTO
  • E. Purwanto, Maciej Obremski, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Nico Dottling, D. Aggarwal. (2019). Continuous non-malleable codes in the 8-split-state model. Springer EUROCRYPT 531-561
  • D. Aggarwal, Kai-Min Chung, H.H. Lin, T. Vidick. (2019). A Quantum-Proof Non-Malleable Extractor, With Application to Privacy Amplification against Active Quantum Adversaries. Springer EUROCRYPT 442-469
  • T. Lee, M. Tomamichel, M. Santha, T. Lee, Gavin K. Brennen, D. Aggarwal. (2018). Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them. Ledger 3
  • D. Aggarwal, N. Stephens-Davidowitz. (2018). (Gap/S)ETH Hardness of SVP. ACM STOC
  • P. Mukhopadhyay, D. Aggarwal. (2018). Improved algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem and the Closest Vector Problem in the infinity norm. ISAAC
  • D. Aggarwal, A. Joux, A. Prakash, M. Santha. (2018). A new public-key cryptosystem via Mersenne numbers. CRYPTO
  • T. Lee, M. Tomamichel, M. Santha, T. Lee, Gavin K. Brennen, D. Aggarwal. (2018). Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them. Ledger
  • D. Aggarwal, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz. (2018). Just Take the Average! An Embarrassingly Simple $2^n$-Time Algorithm for SVP (and CVP). Proceedings of the Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms
  • D. Aggarwal, M. Obremski, T. Kazana. (2017). Inception makes non-malleable codes stronger. Theory of Cryptography
  • D. Aggarwal, O. Regev. (2016). A Note on Discrete Gaussian Combinations of Lattice Vectors. CJTCS 1
  • D. Aggarwal, U. Maurer. (2016). Breaking RSA Generically Is Equivalent to Factoring. IEEE Trans. Inf. 62 6251-6259
  • C. Dubey, D. Aggarwal. (2016). Improved hardness results for unique shortest vector problem. Inf. Proc. Lett 116 631-637
  • D. Aggarwal, S. Lovett, K. Hosseini. (2016). Affine-malleable extractors, spectrum doubling, and application to privacy amplification.
  • Maciej Lukasz Obremski, B Obbattu, B Kanukurthi, S Sekar, D. Aggarwal. Non-malleable Codes with rate 1/3 via Rate Boosters. Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC)