Roberto Rubboli


  • Shrigyan Brahmachari , R. Rubboli, M. Tomamichel. A fixed-point algorithm for matrix projections with applications in quantum information.
  • Ryuji Takagi, R. Rubboli, M. Tomamichel. Mixed-state additivity properties of magic monotones based on quantum relative entropies for single-qubit states and beyond.
  • R. Rubboli, M. Tomamichel. New additivity properties of the relative entropy of entanglement and its generalizations.


  • Giovanni Chesi, Alberto Riccardi, R. Rubboli, Lorenzo Maccone, Chiara Macchiavello. (2023). A protocol for global multiphase estimation. Phys. Rev. A 108 012613
  • R. Rubboli, M. Tomamichel. (2022). Fundamental Limits on Correlated Catalytic State Transformations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 120506