
Atom-photon Interactions

C.Hongbing, A.Rasmita, Ruihua He, Zhaowei Zhang, Qinghai Tan, Disheng Chen, W.Naizhou, Zhao Mu, John J. H. Eng, Yongzhi She, Nan Pan, Qian Wang, Zhaogang Dong, Xiaoping Wang, Juan Wang, Yansong Miao, Ranjan Singh, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Xiaogang Liu, G.Weibo (2024). Charge-depletion-enhanced WSe2 quantum emitters on gold nanogap arrays with near-unity quantum efficiency. Nature Photonics
C.H. Chow, B.L. Ng, Vindhiya Prakash, C. Kurtsiefer (2024). Fano Resonance in Excitation Spectroscopy and Cooling of an Optically Trapped Single Atom. Physical Review Research 6 023154
Maxime Richard, Anna Minguzzi, Jacqueline Bloch, Sylvain Ravets, Aristide Lemaître, Martina Morassi, Amit Vashisht, Irénée Frérot (2023). Bogoliubov excitations driven by thermal lattice phonons in a quantum fluid of light. Phys. Rev. X 13 041058
Du Jinjin, T. Vogt, W. Li (2023). Fast Single-shot Imaging of Individual Ions via Homodyne Detection of Rydberg-Blockade-Induced Absorption. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 143004
Lei Qiao, Jiangbin Gong (2022). Coherent Control of Collective Spontaneous Emission through Self-interference. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 093602
Thomas Tuloup, Raditya Weda Bomantara, Jiangbin Gong (2022). Topological characteristics of gap closing points in nonlinear Weyl semimetals. Phys. Rev. B 106 195411
B.L. Ng, C.H. Chow, C. Kurtsiefer (2022). Observation of the Mollow Triplet from an optically confined single atom. Phys. Rev. A 106 063719
Mark Lam, Sambit B. Pal, Thibault Vogt, M. Kiffner, W. Li (2021). Directional THz generation in hot Rb vapor excited to a Rydberg state. Optics Letters 46 1017
A.N. Utama, C.H. Chow, C.H. Nguyen, C. Kurtsiefer (2021). Coupling Light to Higher Order Transverse Modes of a Near-Concentric Optical Cavity. Optics Express 29 8130-8141
Liu Haonan, Simon B. Jäger, X. Yu, Steven Touzard, Athreya Shankar, Murray J. Holland, T.Nicholson (2020). Rugged mHz-Linewidth Superradiant Laser Driven by a Hot Atomic Beam. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 253602
Haonan Liu, Simon B. Jäger, Xianquan Yu, Steven Touzard, Athreya Shankar, Murray J. Holland (2020). Rugged mHz-linewith superradiant laser driven by a hot atomic beam. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 253602
Haonan Liu, Simon B. Jäger, X. Yu, S.Touzard, Athreya Shankar, Murray J. Holland, T.Nicholson (2020). Rugged mHz-linewidth superradiant laser driven by a hot atomic beam. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 253602
Xiaodong Yang, J. Thompson, Ze Wu, M. Gu, Xinhua Peng, Jiangfeng Du (2020). Probe optimization for quantum metrology via closed-loop learning control. NPJ: Quantum Information 62
MA.Seidler, X.J.Yeo, A. Cere, C. Kurtsiefer (2020). Spectral Compression of Narrowband Single Photons with a Resonant Cavity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 183603
Y. Ouyang, Xun-Li Feng, Gangcheng Wang, Chunfeng Wu, Chu Guo, Yimin Wang (2019). Initializing a permutation-invariant quantum error-correction code. Phys. Rev. A 99 012335
Marc-Antoine Lemonde, Vittorio Peano, Peter Rabl, D.G. Angelakis (2019). Quantum state transfer via acoustic edge states in a 2D optomechanical array. New J. Phys. 21
D. Aghamalyan, J. You, Hong-Son Chu, Ching Eng Png, Leonid Krivitsky, L.C. Kwek (2019). Tunable quantum switch realized with a single Λ-level atom coupled to the microtoroidal cavity. Phys. Rev. A 100 053851
M.C. Lam, M.C. Lam, S.B. Pal, T. Vogt, C. Gross, M. Kiffner, W. Li (2019). Collimated UV light generation by two-photon excitation to a Rydberg state in Rb vapor. Optics Letters 44 2931
T. Vogt, C. Gross, J. Han, S.B. Pal, M.C. Lam, M.C. Lam, M. Kiffner, W. Li (2019). Efficient microwave-to-optical conversion using Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A 99 023832
M.Steiner, Y.S.Chin, C. Kurtsiefer (2019). Transmission spectroscopy of a single atom in the presence of tensor light shifts. New J. Phys. 21 023012
T. Paterek, R. Dumke, Aleksandra Urbanek, Agnieszka Górecka, Herbert Crepaz, Ling-Jun Kong (2018). In-vivo biomagnetic characterisation of the American cockroach. Scientific Reports 8 5140
C.H. Nguyen, A.N. Utama, N.C. Lewty, C. Kurtsiefer (2018). Operating a near-concentric cavity at the last stable resonance. Phys. Rev. A 98 063833
A. Cere, B. Srivathsan, G.K. Gulati, B. Chng, C. Kurtsiefer (2018). Characterization of a photon pair source based on a cold atomic ensemble using a cascade level scheme. Phys. Rev. A 98 023835
Z.Zhang, Chern Hui Lee, Ravi Kumar, K. J. Arnold, Stuart J. Masson, A. L. Grimsmo, A. S. Parkins, M.D. Barrett (2018). Dicke model simulation via cavity-assisted Raman transitions. Phys. Rev. A 97 043858
K. J. Arnold, R.Kaewuam, A. Roy, T.R. Tan, M.D. Barrett (2018). Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock. Nature Communications 9 1650
Qi-Yu Liang, Aditya V. Venkatramani, Sergio H. Cantu, T.Nicholson, Michael J. Gullans, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Jeff D. Thompson, Cheng Chin, Mikhail D. Lukin, Vladan Vuletic (2018). Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium. Science 359 783
Anastasia S. D. Dietrich, M. Kiffner, D. Jaksch (2018). Probing microscopic models for system-bath interactions via parametric driving. Phys. Rev. A 98 012122
T. Vogt, C. Gross, T. Gallagher, W. Li (2018). Microwave-assisted Rydberg Electromagnetically induced transparency. Optics Letters 43 1822
J. Han, T. Vogt, C. Gross, D. Jaksch, M. Kiffner, W. Li (2018). Coherent microwave-to-optical conversion via six-wave mixing in Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 093201
K.T. Goh, J. Kaniewski, Elie Wolfe, Tamas Vertesi, X. Wu, Y. Cai, Yeong-Cherng Liang, V. Scarani (2018). Geometry of the quantum set of correlations. Phys. Rev. A 97 022104
V. M. Bastidas, Thi Ha Kyaw, J. Jirawat Tangpanitanon, J. Tangpanitanon, Guillermo Romero, L.C. Kwek, D.G. Angelakis (2018). Floquet stroboscopic divisibility: coherence preservation in non-Markovian dynamics. New J. Phys. 20 093004
T. Haug, L. Amico, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek (2018). Mesoscopic Vortex–Meissner currents in ring ladders. Quantum Science and Technology 3
S. Safaei, B. Gremaud, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico, C. Miniatura (2018). Two-dimensional network of atomtronic qubits. Phys. Rev. A 97 042306
Stuart J. Masson, M.D. Barrett, Scott Parkins (2017). Cavity QED Engineering of Spin Dynamics and Squeezing in a Spinor Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 213601
Guo-Zhu Song, E. Munro, W. Nie, Fu-Guo Deng, Guo-Jian Yang, L.C. Kwek (2017). Photon scattering by an atomic ensemble coupled to a one-dimensional nanophotonic waveguide. Phys. Rev. A 96 043872
U. Bornheimer, Ivana Vasic, Walter Hofstetter (2017). Phase transitions of the coherently coupled two-component Bose gas in a square optical lattice. Phys. Rev. A 96 063623
E. Compagno, G. De Chiara, D.G. Angelakis, G. M. Palma (2017). Tunable Polarons in Bose-Einstein Condensates. Scientific Reports 2355
Y.S.Chin, M.Steiner, C. Kurtsiefer (2017). Nonlinear photon-atom coupling with 4Pi microscopy. Nature Communications 8 1200
A. W. Glaetzle, K. Ender, D. S. Wild, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. D. Lukin, P. Zoller (2017). Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays. Phys. Rev. X 7 031049
T. F. See, Changsuk Noh, D.G. Angelakis (2017). Diagrammatic Approach to Multiphoton Scattering. Phys. Rev. A 95 053845
J.D. Thompson, T.Nicholson, Q.-Y. Liang, S.H. Cantu, A.V. Venkatramani, S. Choi, I.A. Fedorov, D. Viscor, T. Pohl, M.D. Lukin, V. Vuletic (2017). Symmetry-protected collisions between strongly interacting photons. Nature 542 206
C.H. Nguyen, A.N. Utama, N.C. Lewty, , G. Maslennikov, S. Straupe, M.Steiner, C. Kurtsiefer (2017). Single atoms coupled to a near-concentric cavity. Phys. Rev. A (R) 96 031802
T. Vogt, J. Han, A. Thiery, W. Li (2017). Levy statistics of interacting Rydberg gases. Phys. Rev. A 95 053418
Thi Ha Kyaw, Sebastian Allende, L.C. Kwek, Guillermo Romero (2017). Parity-preserving light-matter system mediates effective two-body interactions. Quantum Science and Technology 2 025007
Y.S.Chin, M.Steiner, C. Kurtsiefer (2017). Quantifying the role of thermal motion in free-space light-atom interaction. Phys. Rev. A 95 043809
M.Steiner, Victor Leong, MA.Seidler, A. Cere, C. Kurtsiefer (2017). Photon bandwidth dependence of light-matter interaction. Optics Express 25 6294
M. Kiffner, Edward O'Brien, D. Jaksch (2017). Topological spin models in Rydberg lattices. Appl. Phys. B 123 46
S.L. Bromley, B. Zhu, M. Bishof, X. Zhang, T. Bothwell, J. Schachenmayer, T.Nicholson, R. Kaiser, S.F. Yelin, M.D. Lukin, A.M. Rey, J. Ye (2016). Collective atomic scattering and motional effects in a dense coherent medium. Nature Communications 7 11039
Sebastian Restrepo, Javier Cerrillo, V. M. Bastidas, D.G. Angelakis, Tobias Brandes (2016). Driven open quantum systems and Floquet stroboscopic dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 250401
Victor Leong, MA.Seidler, M.Steiner, A. Cere, C. Kurtsiefer (2016). Time-resolved Scattering of a Single Photon by a Single Atom. Nature Communications 7 13716
J. Han, T. Vogt, W. Li (2016). Spectral shift and dephasing of electromagnetically induced transparency in an interacting Rydberg gas. Phys. Rev. A 94 043806
Si-Hui Tan, Leonid A. Krivitsky, B.-G. Englert (2016). Photon-number-resolving detectors and their role in quantifying quantum correlations. Proc. Of SPIE 9980 99800E
A.Roulet, V. Scarani (2016). Solving the scattering of N photons on a two-level atom without computation. New J. Phys. 18 093035
M. Kiffner, Amir Feizpour, Krzysztof T. Kaczmarek, D. Jaksch, Joshua Nunn (2016). Two-way interconversion of millimeter-wave and optical fields in Rydberg gases. New J. Phys. 18 093030
S. A. Will, J. W. Park, Z. Z. Yan, H.Loh, M. W. Zwierlein (2016). Coherent Microwave Control of Ultracold 23Na40K Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 225306
S. A. Aljunid, E. Aik Chan, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, N. Zheludev (2016). Atomic Response in the Near-field of Nanostructured Plasmonic Metamaterial. Nano Letters 16 3137
E. Chan Aik, S. A. Aljunid, N. I. Zheludev, D. Wilkowski, M. Ducloy (2016). Doppler-free approach to optical pumping dynamics in the 6S1/2?5D5/2 electric quadrupole transition of Cesium vapor. Optics Letters 41 2005
M. Trappe, Peter Augenstein, Maarten DeKieviet, Thomas Gasenzer, Otto Nachtmann (2016). Geometric phases causing lifetime modifications of metastable states of hydrogen. Eur. Phys. J. D 70 76
A.Roulet, Le Huy Nguyen, V. Scarani (2016). Two photons on an atomic beam splitter: Nonlinear scattering and induced correlations. Phys. Rev. A 93 033838
J.J. Mendoza-Arenas, S. Clark, S. Felicetti, G. Romero, E. Solano, D.G. Angelakis, D. Jaksch (2016). Beyond mean-field bistability in driven-dissipative lattices: Bunching-antibunching transition and quantum simulation. Phys. Rev. A 93 023821
Han Rui, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2016). Implementing a neutral-atom controlled-phase gate with a single Rydberg pulse. Europhys. Lett. 113 40001
Pierre-Olivier Guimond, A.Roulet, Le Huy Nguyen, V. Scarani (2016). Rabi oscillation in a quantum cavity: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics. Phys. Rev. A 93 023808
Si-Hui Tan, Leonid A. Krivitsky, B.-G. Englert (2016). Measuring Quantum Correlations using Lossy Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors with Saturation. J. Mod. Opt. 63 276-283
X.L. Zhang, C. Noh, Nikolaos Schetakis, D.G. Angelakis (2015). Few-Photon Transport in Nonlinear Cavity Arrays: Probing Signatures of Strongly Correlated States. Phys. Rev. A 92 063817
A. Cere, Victor Leong, Kosen, Sandoko, B. Srivathsan, G.K. Gulati, C. Kurtsiefer (2015). Controlling the interference of single photons emitted by independent atomic sources. Proc. Of SPIE 9615 96150Q
J. Dai, A.Roulet, Le Huy Nguyen, V. Scarani (2015). Rectification of light in the quantum regime. Phys. Rev. A 92 063848
D. Aghamalyan, Marco Cominotti, Matteo Rizzi, Davide Rossini, Frank Hekking, Anna Minguzzi, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico (2015). Coherent superposition of current flows in an Atomtronic Quantum Interference Device. New J. Phys. 17 045023
Marco Cominotti, Matteo Rizzi, Davide Rossini, D. Aghamalyan, L. Amico, L.C. Kwek, Frank Hekking, Anna Minguzzi (2015). Optimal scaling of persistent currents for interacting bosons on a ring. EPJ ST 224 519
J. Zhang, Thi Ha Kyaw, D. M. Tong, E. Sjoqvist, L.C. Kwek (2015). Fast non-Abelian geometric gates via transitionless quantum driving. Scientific Reports 5 18414
J. Han, T. Vogt, M. Manjappa, R. Guo, M. Kiffner, W. Li (2015). Lensing effect of electromagnetically induced transparency involving a Rydberg state. Phys. Rev. A 92 063824
T. Yang, K. Pandey, C. C. Kwong, F. Leroux, M. Pramod, B. Fang, E. Hajiyev, Z. Y. Chia, D. Wilkowski (2015). A high flux source for ultracold Strontium atoms. Eur. Phys. J. D 69 226
Chang Chi Kwong, Tao Yang, Dominique Delande, Romain Pierrat, D. Wilkowski (2015). Coherent pulse generation using cooperative emission in scattering media. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 223601
F. Mei, J. You, W. Nie, R. Fazio, Shi-Liang Zhu, L.C. Kwek (2015). Simulation and detection of photonic Chern insulators in a one-dimensional circuit-QED lattice. Phys. Rev. A (R) 92 041805
G.K. Gulati, B. Srivathsan, B. Chng, A. Cere, C. Kurtsiefer (2015). Polarization entanglement and quantum beats of photon pairs from four-wave mixing in a cold Rb-87 ensemble. New J. Phys. 17 093034
C. A. Müller, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura (2015). Speckle intensity correlations of photons scattered by cold atoms. Phys. Rev. A 92 013819
Rajitha K. V., Tarak N. Dey, Joerg Evers, M. Kiffner (2015). Pulse-splitting in light propagation through $N$-type atomic media due to an interplay of Kerr-nonlinearity and group velocity dispersion. Phys. Rev. A 92 023840
Peter A. Ivanov, Naoum I. Karchev, Nikolay V. Vitanov, D.G. Angelakis (2015). Quantum simulation of superexchange magnetism in linear ion crystals. Phys. Rev. A 90 023823
Victor Leong, Sandoko Kosen, B. Srivathsan, G.K. Gulati, A. Cere, C. Kurtsiefer (2015). Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between triggered and heralded single photons from separate atomic systems. Phys. Rev. A 91 063829
Thi Ha Kyaw, S. Felicetti, G. Romero, E. Solano, L.C. Kwek (2015). Scalable quantum random-access memory with superconducting circuits. Scientific Reports 5 8621
Thi Ha Kyaw, D. Herrera-Marti, Enrique Solano, Guillermo Romero, L.C. Kwek (2015). Creation of quantum error correcting codes in the ultrastrong coupling regime. Phys. Rev. B 91 064503
J.Y. Haw, Y. Wang (2015). Bridging the gap between the Jaynes-Cummings and Rabi models using an intermediate rotating wave approximation. Phys. Lett. A 379 779
D.G. Angelakis, C. Noh (2014). Towards topological effects with coupled QED cavity arrays. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 28 1441003
Y. X. Hu, C. Miniatura, D. Wilkowski, B. Gremaud (2014). U(3) gauge fields for cold atoms. Phys. Rev. A 90 023601
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D.G. Angelakis, P. Das, C. Noh (2014). Probing the topological properties of the Jackiw-Rebbi model with light. Scientific Reports 4 6110
Vanessa Paulisch, R. Han, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2014). Raman transitions: Adiabatic elimination revisited. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 129 12
C. C. Kwong, T. Yang, M.S. Pramod, K. Pandey, D. Delande, R. Pierrat, D. Wilkowski (2014). Cooperative Emission of a Coherent Superflash of Light. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 223601
G. Ganguly, A. Sen, M. Mukherjee, A. Paul (2014). SeD radical as a probe for the measurement of the time variation of the fine-structure constant ? and proton-to-electron mass ratio ?. Phys. Rev. A 90 012509
S. Menk, S. Das, M. W. Froese, M. Lange, M. Mukherjee (2014). Vibrational autodetachment of sulfur hexafluoride anions at its long-lifetime limit. Phys. Rev. A 89 022502
A.Roulet, Z.W. Teo, Le Huy Nguyen, V. Scarani (2014). Proposal for Monitoring and Heralding Position States of Atoms in a One-Dimensional Waveguide. Phys. Rev. A 90 053821
Thi Ha Kyaw, Simone Felicetti, Guillermo Romero, Enrique Solano, L.C. Kwek (2014). Z_2 quantum memory implemented on circuit quantum electrodynamics. Proc. Of SPIE 9225 92250B
K. Durak, C.H. Nguyen, S. Straupe, C. Kurtsiefer (2014). Diffraction-limited Fabry-Perot Cavity in the Near Concentric Regime. New J. Phys. 16 103002
G.K. Gulati, B. Srivathsan, B. Chng, A. Cere, D. Matsukevich, C. Kurtsiefer (2014). Generation of an exponentially rising single-photon field from parametric conversion in atoms. Phys. Rev. A 90 033819
M.P. Baden, K. J. Arnold, Arne L. Grimsmo, Scott Parkins, M.D. Barrett (2014). Realization of the Dicke model using cavity-assisted Raman transitions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 020408
Julien Barre, Bruno Marcos, D. Wilkowski (2014). Nonequilibrium Phase Transition with Gravitational-like Interaction in a Cloud of Cold Atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 133001
L. Amico, D. Aghamalyan, H. Crepaz, F. Auksztol, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek (2014). Superfluid qubit systems with ring shaped optical lattices. Scientific Reports 4 4298
C. Lee, A. Rai, C. Noh, D.G. Angelakis (2014). Probing the effect of interaction in Anderson localization using linear photonic lattices. Phys. Rev. A 89 023823
H.Loh, K. C. Cossel, M. Grau, K.-K. Ni, E. R. Meyer, J. L. Bohn, J. Ye, E. A. Cornell (2013). Precision Spectroscopy of Polarized Molecules in an Ion Trap.. Science 342 1220
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N. Schetakis, T. Grujic, S. Clark, D. Jaksch, D.G. Angelakis (2013). Frozen photons in Jaynes Cummings arrays. J. Opt. B 46 224025
D. Aghamalyan, L. Amico, L.C. Kwek (2013). Effective dynamics of cold atoms flowing in two ring shaped optical potentials with tunable tunneling. Phys. Rev. A 88 063627
Z.W. Teo, J. Minar, D. Cavalcanti, V. Scarani (2013). Improved analysis of a proposal for a realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-light entanglement. Phys. Rev. A 88 053848
Olivier Sigwarth, Guillaume Labeyrie, Dominique Delande, C. Miniatura (2013). Multiple scattering of light in cold atomic clouds in a magnetic field. Phys. Rev. A 88 033827
S.A. Aljunid, S.A. Aljunid, G. Maslennikov, Y. Wang, H.L. Dao, V. Scarani, C. Kurtsiefer (2013). Excitation of a single atom with exponentially rising light pulses. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 103001
P. Das, C. Noh, D.G. Angelakis (2013). Realizing the driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation with stationary light. Europhys. Lett. 103 34001
Christopher Gaul, C. A. Müller (2013). Bogoliubov theory on the disordered lattice. EPJ ST 217 69
T. Plisson, T. Bourdel, C. A. Müller (2013). Momentum isotropisation in random potentials. EPJ ST 217 79
C. Lee, Mark Tame, C. Noh, James Lim, Stefan A. Maier, Jinhyoung Lee, D.G. Angelakis (2013). Robust-to-loss entanglement generation using a quantum plasmonic nanoparticle array. New J. Phys. 15 083017
Q. Zhang, J B Gong, C.H. Oh (2013). Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling in Two-Level Cold Atoms. Ch. Phys. Lett. 30 080301
T. Grujic, S. Clark, D. Jaksch, D.G. Angelakis (2013). Repulsively induced photon super-bunching in driven resonator arrays. Phys. Rev. A 87 053846
B. K. Sahoo, M.D. Barrett, B. P. Das (2013). Reliability test for the experimental results of electric quadrupole hyperfine structure constants and new assessment of nuclear quadrupole moments in $^{135,137}$Ba. Phys. Rev. A 87 042506
B.L. Chuah, N.C. Lewty, R. Cazan, M.D. Barrett (2013). Sub-Doppler Cavity Cooling Beyond The Lamb-Dicke Limit. Phys. Rev. A 043420
Z.W. Teo, Mateus Araujo, Marco Tulio Quintino, J. Minar, D. Cavalcanti, V. Scarani, Marcelo Terra Cunha, Marcelo Franca Santos (2013). Realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-photon entanglement. Nature Communications 4 2104
D. Matsukevich (2013). Quantum teleportation: Getting complicated. Nature Physics 9 389–390
R. Han, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2013). Raman transitions without adiabatic elimination: A simple and accurate treatment. J. Mod. Opt. 60 255
C. Noh, B.M. Rodriguez-Lara, D.G. Angelakis (2013). Proposal for realization of the Majorana equation in a tabletop experiment. Phys. Rev. A (R) 87 0401102
D.G. Angelakis, M. Huo, Darrick Chang, L.C. Kwek, Vladimir Korepin (2013). Mimicking interacting relativistic theories with stationary pulses of light. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 100502
M. Huo, C. Noh, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara, D.G. Angelakis (2012). Probing the BCS-BEC crossover with photons in a nonlinear optical fiber. Phys. Rev. A 86 043840
T. Grujic, S. Clark, D.G. Angelakis, D. Jaksch (2012). Non-equilibrium many-body effects in driven nonlinear resonator arrays. New J. Phys. 103025
A. Gorecka, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura (2012). Synthetic magnetic fluxes on the honeycomb lattice. Phys. Rev. A 84 023604
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K. J. Arnold, M.P. Baden, M.D. Barrett (2012). Self-Organization Threshold Scaling For Thermal Atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 153002
J.N. Bandyopadhyay, T. Paterek, D. Kaszlikowski (2012). Quantum coherence and sensitivity of avian magnetoreception. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 110502
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A. Roy, S. J. Bah, M.D. Barrett (2012). Trapping and detection of single atoms using a spherical mirror. New J. Phys. 093007
N.C. Lewty, B.L. Chuah, R. Cazan, B. K. Sahoo, M.D. Barrett (2012). Spectroscopy on a single trapped 137Ba+ ion for nuclear magnetic octupole moment determination. Optics Express 20 21379
Le Huy Nguyen, A. Kalev, M.D. Barrett, B.-G. Englert (2012). Micromotion in trapped atom-ion systems. Phys. Rev. A 85 052718
Y. Wang, J. Minar, V. Scarani (2012). State-dependent atomic excitation by multi-photon pulses propagating along two spatial modes. Phys. Rev. A 86 023811
H.L. Dao, S.A. Aljunid, S.A. Aljunid, G. Maslennikov, C. Kurtsiefer (2012). Preparation of an Exponentially Rising Optical Pulse for Efficient Excitation of Single Atoms in Free Space. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 083104
C. A. Müller, C. Gaul (2012). Condensate deformation and quantum depletion of Bose-Einstein condensates in external potentials. New J. Phys. 14 075025
M. Huo, D.G. Angelakis (2012). Sine-Gordon and Bose-Hubbard dynamics with photons in a hollow-core fiber. Phys. Rev. A 85 023821
A. Rai, D.G. Angelakis (2012). Dynamics of quantum light in integrated nonlinear waveguide arrays and generation of robust continuous variable entanglement. Phys. Rev. A 85 052330
C. Noh, B.M. Rodriguez-Lara, D.G. Angelakis (2012). Quantum simulation of neutrino oscillations with trapped ions. New J. Phys. 033028
J. Minar, Hugues de Riedmatten, Nicolas Sangouard (2012). Quantum repeaters based on heralded qubit amplifiers. Phys. Rev. A 85 032313
G. Romero, D. Ballester, Y. Wang, V. Scarani, E. Solano (2012). Ultrafast Quantum Gates in Circuit QED. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 120501
Y. Wang, D. Ballester, G. Romero, V. Scarani, E. Solano (2012). Validity of resonant two-qubit gates in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit QED. Physica Scripta T147 014031
Y. Wang, J. Minar, Gabriel Hetet, V. Scarani (2012). Quantum memory with a single two-level atom in a half cavity. Phys. Rev. A 85 013823
Nicolas Cherroret, T. Karpiuk, C. A. Müller, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura (2012). Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Matter Waves: Momentum Space Signatures. Phys. Rev. A (R) 85 011604
D. Aghamalyan, Yu. Malakyan (2011). Quantum repeaters based on deterministic storage of a single photon in distant atomic ensembles. Phys. Rev. A 84 042305
M. Chalony, R. Pierrat, D. Delande, D. Wilkowski (2011). Coherent flash of light emitted by a cold atomic cloud. Phys. Rev. A 84 011401(R)
Christopher Gaul, C. A. Müller (2011). Bogoliubov Excitations of Disordered Bose-Einstein Condensates. Phys. Rev. A 83 063629
Christopher Gaul, Elena Diaz, Rodrigo P. A. Lima, Francisco Dominguez-Adame, C. A. Müller (2011). Stability and decay of Bloch oscillations in presence of time-dependent nonlinearity. Phys. Rev. A 84 053627
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