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Irénée Frérot, Amit Vashisht, Martina Morassi, Aristide Lemaître, Sylvain Ravets, Jacqueline Bloch, Anna Minguzzi, Maxime Richard (2023). Bogoliubov excitations driven by thermal lattice phonons in a quantum fluid of light. Phys. Rev. X 13 041058
Shao-Hen Chiew, Jiangbin Gong, L.C. Kwek, Chee-Kong Lee (2023). Stability and dynamics of many-body localized systems coupled to a small bath. Phys. Rev. B 107 224202
Weitao Chen, Gabriel Lemarie, Jiangbin Gong (2023). Critical dynamics of long-range quantum disordered systems. Phys. Rev. E 108 054127