
All Topic / 2025

Arjen Vaartjes, Martin Nurizzo, L. H. Zaw, Benjamin Wilhelm, Xi Yu, Danielle Holmes, Daniel Schwienbacher, Anders Kringhoj, Mark van Blankenstein, Alexander Jakob, Fay Hudson, Kohei Itoh, Riley Murray, Robin Blume-Kohout, Namit Anand, Andrew Dzurak, David Jamieson, V. Scarani, Andrea Morello (2025). Certifying the quantumness of a nuclear spin qudit through its uniform precession. Newton 100017
Clément L. Canonne, Sayantan Sen, Joy Qiping Yang (2025). Settling the Complexity of Testing Grainedness of Distributions, and Application to Uniformity Testing in the Huge Object Model. ITCS
Lasse H. Wolff, Paula Belzig, Matthias Christandl, Bergfinnur Durhuus, M. Tomamichel (2025). Fundamental limit on the power of entanglement-assistance in quantum communication. Phys. Rev. Lett. 134 020802
Shen Lijiong, C. Kurtsiefer (2025). Countering detector manipulation attacks in quantum communication through detector self-testing. APL Photonics 10 016106