Penghui Yao
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)

Former Research Fellow


  • R. Jain, P. Yao. A parallel approximation algorithm for mixed packing and covering semidefinite programs.
  • R. Jain, P. Yao. A strong direct product theorem in terms of the smooth rectangle bound.


  • A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Ankit Garg, Aram Harrow, P. Yao. (2018). Expected communication cost of distributed quantum tasks. IEEE Trans. Inf.
  • A. Anshu, A. Anshu, Dave Touchette, P. Yao, Nengkun Yu. (2017). Exponential Separation of Quantum Communication and Classical Information. ACM STOC 277-288
  • A. Anshu, A. Anshu, R. Jain, P. Mukhopadhyay, Ala Shayeghi, P. Yao. (2016). New One Shot Quantum Protocols With Application to Communication Complexity. IEEE Trans. Inf. 62 7566 - 757
  • R. Jain, A. Pereszlenyi, P. Yao. (2014). A parallel repetition theorem for entangled two-player one-round games under product distributions. Proc. IEEE CCC 209-216
  • R. Jain, A. Pereszlenyi, P. Yao. (2012). A direct product theorem for bounded-round public-coin randomized communication complexity. Proc. IEEE FOCS
  • R. Jain, P. Yao. (2011). A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Positive Semidefinite Programming. Proc. IEEE FOCS