History tells us that fundamental research can spark technological revolutions we could never have predicted. Researchers at CQT work not only towards developing specific applications of quantum technologies, but also to deepen humanity's understanding of the behaviour of light, matter and the universe. We are interested in the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns.
Area Keywords: entanglement
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Area Keywords: atom-light interaction, quantum optics
Area Keywords: alternative formulations of quantum theory, computation with quasi-probability distributions, contextuality, nonlocality
Area Keywords: Complex Quantum Systems, Development of advanced classical numerical method, quantum chaos, Quantum Computing, quantum thermodynamics, Quantum Transport
Area Keywords: Bose Hubbard, many-body systems, quantum optics, strongly correlated systems, topological physics
Area Keywords: algorithms and complexity of lattice problems, pseudorandomness
Area Keywords: nonequilibrium topological matter, quantum chaos, quantum measurement, quantum thermodynamics
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Area Keywords: interacting many-body systems, many-body systems
Area Keywords: contextuality, entanglement, nonlocality
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Area Keywords: quantum information, uncertainty relations
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Area Keywords: one-shot information theory, quantum information theory
Area Keywords: complexity, nonlocality, thermodynamics