Artur Ekert Group

My research extends over most aspects of information processing in quantum-mechanical systems. It is a cross-disciplinary field bringing together theoretical and experimental quantum physics, computer science and information theory. Its scope ranges from deep fundamental issues in physics to prospective commercial exploitation by the computing and communications industries.

My work is mostly theoretical but its results also bear directly on issues of experimental implementation. One reason why it has attracted attention from industry and government agencies is that quantum cryptography can guarantee perfectly secure communication. Another is that projected quantum computers will be capable of efficiently solving some problems (including factorisation, which has a bearing on cryptanalysis) for which there is believed to be no efficient classical algorithm.

Group photo: Adam Walanus

CQT Distinguished Fellow
Centre for Quantum Technologies
Research Professor
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore
Professor of Quantum Physics
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

Group Members

Recent papers

  • M. Ahmadi, P. Grochowski, K. Debski, A Smith, A. Dragan. (2022). Quantum Corrections to Classical Time Dilation . T15 007
  • K. DÄ?bski, P. T. Grochowski, A. Dragan. (2021). Probing the Casimir-Polder potential with Unruh-DeWitt detector excitations . Physics Letters B 815 136160
  • P. T. Grochowski, A. Smith, A. Dragan, K. DÄ?bski. (2021). Quantum time dilation in atomic spectra. Physical Review Research 3 023053
  • A. Dragan. (2021). Unusually Special Relativity. World Scientific 2021
  • C.C.W. Lim, Feihu Xu, Jian-Wei Pan, A. Ekert. (2021). Security analysis of quantum key distribution with small block length and its application to quantum space communications. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 100501
  • A. Dragan, A. Ekert. (2020). Quantum principle of relativity. New J. Phys. 22 (3) 033038
  • B. Markowicz, K. DÄ?bski , M. Kolanowski, W. KamiÃ…?ski, A. Dragan. (2020). General Framework to Derive Casimir Force of Electromagnetic Field in Non-inertial Reference Frames.
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