Shifeng Cui, B. Gremaud, Wenan Guo, G. Batrouni. (2020). Nonlinear two-photon Rabi-Hubbard model: superradiance and photon/photon-pair Bose-Einstein condensate.
B. Gremaud, G. Batrouni. (2020). Pairing and pair superfluid density in one-dimensional Hubbard models.
Rubem Mondaini, G. Batrouni, B. Gremaud. Pairing and superconductivity in the flat band: Creutz lattice.
Zeynep Nilhan Gürkan, Erik Sjöqvist, Björn Hessmo, B. Gremaud. Towards a measurement of the effective gauge field and the Born-Huang potential with atoms in chip traps.
S.M. Chan, B. Gremaud, G. Batrouni. (2022). Designer Flat Bands: Topology and Enhancement of Superconductivity. Phys. Rev. B106 104514
S.M. Chan, B. Gremaud, G. Batrouni. (2022). Pairing and superconductivity in quasi one-dimensional flat band systems: Creutz and sawtooth lattices. Phys. Rev. B105 024502
B. Gremaud, G. Batrouni. (2017). Haldane phase on the sawtooth lattice: Edge states, entanglement spectrum, and the flat band. Phys. Rev. B95 165131
B. Gremaud, G. Batrouni. (2017). Haldane phase in the sawtooth lattice: Edge states, entanglement spectrum and the flat band. Phys. Rev. B95 165131
B. Gremaud, G. Batrouni. (2016). Excitation and dynamics in the extended bose-hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B93 035108
J. Minar, B. Gremaud. (2015). Mimicking Dirac fields in curved spacetime with fermions in lattices with non-unitary tunneling amplitudes. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.48 165001
Nicolas Cherroret, T. Karpiuk, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura. (2015). Thermalization of matter waves in speckle potentials. Phys. Rev. A92 063614
S. Safaei, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2015). Triangular and Honeycomb Lattices of Cold Atoms in Optical Cavities. Phys. Rev. A92 043810
Yun Li, Pinaki Sengupta, G. Batrouni, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2015). Berry Curvature of interacting bosons in a honeycomb lattice. Phys. Rev. A92 043605
Y. Hu, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2015). Half-skyrmion and vortex-antivortex pairs in spinor condensates. Phys. Rev. A92 033615
S. Ghosh, N. Cherroret, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura, D. Delande. (2014). Coherent forward scattering in 2D disordered systems. Phys. Rev. A90 063602
K.L. Lee, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura. (2014). Dynamics of localized waves in 1D random potentials: statistical theory of the coherent forward scattering peak. Phys. Rev. A90 043605
K. Gawryluk, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2014). Mott-insulator phases at half-integer fillings in the imbalanced honeycomb lattice. Phys. Rev. A89 063615
Y. Hu, C. Miniatura, David Wilkowski, B. Gremaud. (2014). U(3) artificial gauge fields for cold atoms. Phys. Rev. A90 023601
G. Batrouni, V. G. Rousseau, R. T. Scalettar, B. Gremaud. (2014). Competing phases, phase separation and co-existence in the extended one-dimensional bosonic Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B90 205123
K.L. Lee, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura. (2014). Dirac quasi-particles in correlated random potentials: interplay between dynamical and Berry phases. Phys. Rev. A89 043622
J. Minar, B. Gremaud. (2013). From antiferromagnetic order to magnetic textures in the two dimensional Fermi Hubbard model with synthetic spin orbit interaction. Phys. Rev. B88 235130
G. Batrouni, R. T. Scalettar, V. G. Rousseau, B. Gremaud. (2013). Competing Supersolid and Haldane Insulator phases in the extended one-dimensional bosonic Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. Lett.110 265303
K.L. Lee, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura, Dominique Delande. (2013). Analytical and numerical study of uncorrelated disorder on a honeycomb lattice. Phys. Rev. B87 144202
B. Gremaud. (2012). Pairing properties of cold fermions in the honeycomb lattice. Europhys. Lett.98 47003
G. Labeyrie, T. Karpiuk, J.-F. Schaff, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura, D. Delande. (2012). Enhanced backscattering of a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate. Europhys. Lett.100 66001
M. Wolak, B. Gremaud, R. T. Scalettar, G. Batrouni. (2012). Pairing in a two-dimensional Fermi gas with population imbalance. Phys. Rev. A86 023630
Nicolas Cherroret, T. Karpiuk, C. A. Müller, B. Gremaud, C. Miniatura. (2012). Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Matter Waves: Momentum Space Signatures. Phys. Rev. A (R)85 011604
D. Poletti, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2011). Topological quantum phase transitions of attractive spinless fermions in a honeycomb lattice. Europhys. Lett.93 37008
G. Wang, Mark O. Goerbig, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2011). Emergent Spin Liquids in the Hubbard Model on the Anisotropic Honeycomb Lattice. Europhys. Lett.95 47013
B. Gremaud, T. Wellens. (2010). Speckle Instability: Coherent Effects in Nonlinear Disordered Media. Phys. Rev. Lett.104 133901
M. Wolak, V.G. Rousseau, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud, R.T. Scalettar, G. Batrouni. (2010). Finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo study of the one-dimensional polarized Fermi gas. Phys. Rev. A82 013614
T. Wellens, B. Gremaud. (2009). Coherent propagation of waves in dilute random media with weak nonlinearity. Phys. Rev. A80 063827
R. Pierrat, B. Gremaud, D. Delande. (2009). Enhancement of radiation trapping for quasiresonant scatterers at low temperature. Phys. Rev. A80 013831
P. Lugan, A. Aspect, L. Sanchez-Palencia, D. Delande, B. Gremaud, C. A. Müller, C. Miniatura. (2009). One-dimensional Anderson localization in certain correlated random potentials. Phys. Rev. A80 023605
K.L. Lee, K. Bouadim, G. Batrouni, F. Hebert, R.T. Scalettar, C. Miniatura, B. Gremaud. (2009). Attractive Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice: Quantum Monte Carlo study. Phys. Rev. B80 245118
B. Gremaud, D. Delande, O. Sigwarth, C. Miniatura. (2009). Properties of the Photonic Hall Effect in Cold Atomic Clouds. Phys. Rev. Lett.102 217401