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- K.H. Lim, T. Haug, L.C. Kwek, K. Bharti. Fast-Forwarding with NISQ Processors without Feedback Loop.
- W.Z. Lau, T. Haug, L.C. Kwek, K. Bharti. NISQ Algorithm for Hamiltonian Simulation via Truncated Taylor Series.
- W.Z. Lau, K. Bharti, T. Haug, L.C. Kwek. Quantum assisted simulation of time dependent Hamiltonians.
- K. Bharti, T. Haug, V. Vedral, L.C. Kwek. How to Teach AI to Play Bell Non-Local Games: Reinforcement Learning.
- T. Haug, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, C. Miniatura, L. Amico. Engineering quantum current states with machine learning.
- Wai-Keong Mok, D. Aghamalyan, J. You, T. Haug, Wenzu Zhang, Ching Eng Png, L.C. Kwek. Long-distance dissipation-assisted transport of entangled states via a chiral waveguide.
- T. Haug, L. Amico, L.C. Kwek, William Munro, V. M. Bastidas. Duality and topological pumping on entanglement and disorder.
- T. Haug, K. Bharti, M. S. Kim. (2021). Capacity and quantum geometry of parametrized quantum circuits. PRX Quantum 2 040309
- T. Haug, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico. (2019). Topological pumping in Aharonov—Bohm rings. Communications Physics 2 127
- Nicolas Victorin, T. Haug, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico, Anna Minguzzi. (2019). Nonclassical states in strongly correlated bosonic ring ladders. Phys. Rev. A 3 033616
- T. Haug, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico. (2019). Andreev-reflection and Aharonov-Bohm dynamics in atomtronic circuits. Quantum Science and Technology 4 045001
- T. Haug, H. Heimonen, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico. (2019). The Aharonov-Bohm effect in mesoscopic Bose-Einstein condensates. Phys. Rev. A (R) 100 041601(R)
- T. Haug, Joel Tan, Mark Theng, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico. (2018). Read-out of the atomtronic quantum interference device. Phys. Rev. A 97 013633
- T. Haug, L. Amico, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek. (2018). Mesoscopic Vortex—Meissner currents in ring ladders. Quantum Science and Technology 3