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DJ Nott, Y.L Seah, L Al-Labadi, M Evans, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2021). Using prior expansions for prior-data conflict checking. Bayesian Anal 16 203 |
Yihui Quek, Stanislav Fort, H.K. Ng (2021). Adaptive Quantum State Tomography with Neural Networks. NPJ: Quantum Information 7 105 |
B.-G. Englert, Michael Evans, Gun Ho Jang, H.K. Ng, David Nott, Y.L Seah (2021). Checking the Model and the Prior for the Constrained Multinomial. Metrika |
Yiping Lu, J.Y.Sim, Jun Suzuki, B.-G. Englert, H.K. Ng (2020). Direct estimation of minimum gate fidelity. Phys. Rev. A 102 022410 |
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J.Y.Sim, Jun Suzuki, B.-G. Englert, H.K. Ng (2020). User-specified random sampling of quantum channels and its applications. Phys. Rev. A 101 022307 |
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M. Trappe, L.Y. Len, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2017). Airy-averaged gradient corrections for two-dimensional fermion gases. Ann. Phys. 385 136 |
B.-G. Englert, Kelvin Horia, J. Dai, L.Y. Len, H.K. Ng (2017). Past of a quantum particle revisited. Phys. Rev. A 96 022126 |
J. Shang, Zhengyun Zhang, H.K. Ng (2017). Superfast maximum likelihood reconstruction for quantum tomography. Phys. Rev. A 95 062336 |
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Han Rui, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2016). Implementing a neutral-atom controlled-phase gate with a single Rydberg pulse. Europhys. Lett. 113 40001 |
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Vanessa Paulisch, R. Han, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert (2014). Raman transitions: Adiabatic elimination revisited. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 129 12 |
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