Seah Yi-Lin, Max
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)
- DJ Nott, Y.L Seah, L Al-Labadi, M Evans, H.K. Ng, B.-G. Englert. (2021). Using prior expansions for prior-data conflict checking. Bayesian Anal 16 203
- B.-G. Englert, Michael Evans, Gun Ho Jang, H.K. Ng, David Nott, Y.L Seah. (2021). Checking the Model and the Prior for the Constrained Multinomial. Metrika
- Y.L Seah, J. Shang, H.K. Ng, David John Nott, B.-G. Englert. (2015). Monte Carlo sampling from the quantum state space. II. New J. Phys. 17 043018
- J. Shang, Y.L Seah, H.K. Ng, David John Nott, B.-G. Englert. (2015). Monte Carlo sampling from the quantum state space. I. New J. Phys. 17 043017