
Quantum Optics

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Xiaodong Shi, Sakthi Sanjeev Mohanraj, Veerendra Dhyani, Angela Anna Baiju, Sihao Wang, Jiapeng Sun, L.Zhou, Anna Paterova, Victor Leong, D.Zhu Efficient photon-pair generation in layer-poled lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguides.
J.Y. Chen, Jackson Tiong, Zaw Lin Htoo, V. Scarani An even-parity precession protocol for detecting nonclassicality and entanglement.
L. Zhao, Prithvi Raj Datla, W. Tian, M.M. Aliyu, H.Loh Observation of quantum thermalization restricted to Hilbert space fragments.
F. Adam, W.X. Chiew, A.N. Utama, C. Kurtsiefer Low Noise Near-Concentric Optical Cavity Design.
Y.L.Hu, Maximilian P. E. Lock, Mischa P. Woods On the feasibility of detecting quantum delocalization effects on gravitational redshift in optical clocks.
Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Cuevas, Ohad Lib, Ronen Shekel, Yaron Bromberg, A. Ling, Sébastien M. Popoff Shaping Single Photons through Multimode Optical Fibers using Mechanical Perturbations.
T.Islam, A. Ling, Rodrigo Piera, James A. Grieve, R.Ayesha, Wang Rui, J. B. Chin, B.Anindya, T.Islam A privacy-preserving publicly verifiable quantum random number generator.
A. Ling, Thomas Jennewein, Daniel K. L. Oi, Tom Vergoossen, Thomas Brougham, Brendon L. Higgins, Jasminder S. Sidhu, Tanvirul Islam Finite resource performance of small satellite-based quantum key distribution missions.
Douglas Griffin, Jai Vennik, Simon Barraclough, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Alexander Lohrmann, Aitor Villar, Xueliang Bai, Robert Bedington, Tom Vergoossen, Huai Ying Lim, A. Ling Thermo-mechanical design for a miniaturized quantum light source on board the SpooQy-1 CubeSat.
Giuseppe Vallone, Daniele Dequal, Sonali Mohapatra, Markus Krutzik, Luca Mazzarella, David Lowndes, Thomas Brougham, Mustafa Gundogan, Siddarth K. Joshi, Daniel K. L. Oi, Jasminder S. Sidhu, Stefano Pirandola, Ivette Fuentes, John Rarity, Makan Mohageg, Thomas Jennewein, A. Ling, Paolo Villoresi Advances in Space Quantum Communications.
Clarence Liu, A. Ling, Moritz Mihm, Srihari Sivankaran A CubeSat platform for space based quantum key distribution.
V. Scarani, Shuaijie Li, L.Zakarya The role of photon-number pulses in the operation of a simple light diode.
Wentao Chen, J Gan, Jing-Ning Zhang, D. Matsukevich, Kihwan Kim Quantum computation and simulation with vibrational modes of trapped ions.
Douglas Griffin, Jai Vennik, Simon Barraclough, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Alexander Lohrmann, Aitor Villar, Xueliang Bai, Robert Bedington, Tom Vergoossen, Huai Ying Lim, A. Ling Thermo-mechanical design for a miniaturized quantum light source on board the SpooQy-1 CubeSat.
Wai-Keong Mok, L.C. Kwek, H. Heimonen Noise, not squeezing, boosts synchronization in the deep quantum regime .
Wai-Keong Mok, D. Aghamalyan, J. You, T. Haug, Wenzu Zhang, Ching Eng Png, L.C. Kwek Long-distance dissipation-assisted transport of entangled states via a chiral waveguide.
Wai-Keong Mok, D. Aghamalyan, J. You, L.C. Kwek Microtoroidal resonators enhance long-distance dynamical entanglement generation in chiral quantum networks.
J. Ryu, Bianka Woloncewicz, Marcin Marciniak, M. Wiesniak, Marek Zukowski General mapping of multi-qudit entanglement conditions to non-separability indicators for quantum optical fields.
J. Jirawat Tangpanitanon, J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, Marc-Antoine Lemonde, D.G. Angelakis Quantum supremacy with analog quantum processors for material science and machine learning.
MA.Seidler, Ricardo Gutiérrez-Jáuregui, A. Cere, Rocío Jáuregui, C. Kurtsiefer Upper bound on the duration of quantum jumps.
A.Chia, H.Michal, R. Fazio, L.C. Kwek, V. Vedral Phase uncertainty in quantum linear amplifiers beyond the small-noise approximation.
Thi Ha Kyaw, V. M. Bastidas, J. Jirawat Tangpanitanon, J. Tangpanitanon, Guillermo Romero, L.C. Kwek Dynamical quantum phase transitions and non-Markovian dynamics.
J. Ryu, Marcin Marciniak, Marcin Wiesniak, D. Kaszlikowski, Marek Zukowski Entanglement conditions involving intensity correlations of optical fields: the case of multi-port interferometry.
Mehdi Namazi, Bertus Jordaan, Changsuk Noh, Eden Figueroa, D.G. Angelakis Realizing topological relativistic dynamics with slow light polaritons at room temperature.
S. Nimmrichter, Chi-Fang Chen, Brannon Klopfer, Mark Kasevich, Full-field cavity enhanced microscopy techniques.
T. Dutta, M. Mukherjee, K. Sengupta Theory of phonon dynamics in an ion trap.
E. Munro, L.C. Kwek, Darrick E. Chang Optical properties of an atomic ensemble coupled to a band edge of a photonic crystal waveguide.
Kwong Chang Jian, Teck Seng Koh, L.C. Kwek Coherent transfer of singlet-triplet qubit states in a scalable architecture of linear quantum dots.
DS.Yu, M.V.Maria, C. Hufnagel, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico, R. Dumke Charge Qubit-Atom Hybrid.
D. Aghamalyan, N.T. Nguyen, F. Auksztol, Gan Koon Siang, M.V.Maria, P.C. Condylis, L.C. Kwek, R. Dumke, L. Amico An Atomtronic Flux Qubit: A ring lattice of Bose-Einstein condensates interrupted by three weak links.
L. Amico, Malcolm G. Boshier Atomtronics.
S.Y. Lee, Chang-Woo Lee, Hyunchul Nha, D. Kaszlikowski Quantum phase estimation with four-headed cat states.