
Kwek Leong Chuan Group Preprints

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K. Bharti, Maharshi Ray, Zhen-Peng Xu, M. Hayashi, L.C. Kwek, Adán Cabello Graph-Theoretic Framework for Self-Testing in Bell Scenarios.
H. Shrotriya, K. Bharti, L.C. Kwek Robust Self Testing of All Pure Bipartite Maximally Entangled States via Quantum Steering.
Wai-Keong Mok, L.C. Kwek, H. Heimonen Noise, not squeezing, boosts synchronization in the deep quantum regime .
Wai-Keong Mok, D. Aghamalyan, J. You, T. Haug, Wenzu Zhang, Ching Eng Png, L.C. Kwek Long-distance dissipation-assisted transport of entangled states via a chiral waveguide.
Wai-Keong Mok, D. Aghamalyan, J. You, L.C. Kwek Microtoroidal resonators enhance long-distance dynamical entanglement generation in chiral quantum networks.
T. Haug, R. Dumke, L.C. Kwek, C. Miniatura, L. Amico Engineering quantum current states with machine learning.
T. Haug, L. Amico, L.C. Kwek, William Munro, V. M. Bastidas Duality and topological pumping on entanglement and disorder.
S. Safaei, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico, R. Dumke Monitoring currents of cold atoms in atomtronic circuits.
E. Munro, Ana Asenjo-Garcia, Yiheng Lin, L.C. Kwek, Cindy A. Regal, Darrick E. Chang Population mixing due to dipole-dipole interactions in a 1D array of multilevel atoms.
E. Munro, L.C. Kwek, Darrick E. Chang Optical properties of an atomic ensemble coupled to a band edge of a photonic crystal waveguide.
Kwong Chang Jian, Teck Seng Koh, L.C. Kwek Coherent transfer of singlet-triplet qubit states in a scalable architecture of linear quantum dots.
DS.Yu, M.V.Maria, C. Hufnagel, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico, R. Dumke Charge Qubit-Atom Hybrid.
Yu-Chin Tzeng, L. Dai, Ming-Chiang Chung, L. Amico, L.C. Kwek Entanglement convertibility by sweeping through the phase diagram of one dimensional $XXZ$ model with bond alternation.
D. Aghamalyan, N.T. Nguyen, F. Auksztol, Gan Koon Siang, M.V.Maria, P.C. Condylis, L.C. Kwek, R. Dumke, L. Amico An Atomtronic Flux Qubit: A ring lattice of Bose-Einstein condensates interrupted by three weak links.
L. Amico, Malcolm G. Boshier Atomtronics.
Tomotaka Kuwahara, I. Arad, L. Amico, V. Vedral Local reversibility and entanglement structure of many-body ground states.
Hong-Yi Su, Jing-Ling Chen, Fu-Lin Zhang, Chunfeng Wu, Zhen-Peng Xu, M. Gu, S. Vinjanampathy, L.C. Kwek Genuine Multipartite Maximally Nonlocal Mixed States.
S. Vinjanampathy, Kavan Modi Second law for quantum operations.
S. Vinjanampathy Self-Stabilizing Measurements for Noisy Metrology.
Felix Binder, S. Vinjanampathy, Kavan Modi, John Goold Operational thermodynamics of open quantum systems.
Qiong-Tao Xie, Shuai Cui, Jun-Peng Cao, L. Amico, Heng Fan The anisotropic Rabi model.
S. Vinjanampathy, A. R. P. Rau Operational Interpretation of the Ratio of Total Correlations to Classical Correlations.
J. Bae Distinguishability, Ensemble Steering, and the No-Signaling Principle.
D. Herrera-Marti, Ahsan Nazir, Sean D. Barrett Tradeoff between Leakage and Dephasing Errors in the Fluxonium Qubit.
P. Zanardi Local random quantum circuits: ensemble CP maps and swap algebras.
Filippo Troiani, P. Zanardi On the size of linear superpositions in molecular nanomagnets.
F. Mei, Chuan-Jia Shan, Xun-Li Feng, Shi-Liang Zhu, Zhi-Ming Zhang, L.C. Kwek, D. Wilkowski, C.H. Oh Creation, manipulation and detection of Majorana fermions with cold atoms in optical lattice.