Chen Lin
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)

Former Visiting Research Fellow


  • L. Chen, M. Aulbach, Michal Hajdusek. A comparison of old and new definitions of the geometric measure of entanglement.


  • L. Chen, Dragomir Z. Djokovic, M. Grassl, Bei Zeng. (2013). Four-qubit pure states as fermionic states. Phys. Rev. A 88 052309
  • L. Chen, Dragomir Z. Djokovic. (2013). Qubit-qudit states with positive partial transpose. Phys. Rev. A 86 062332
  • L. Chen, Dragomir Z. Djokovic. (2013). Dimensions, lengths and separability in finite-dimensional quantum systems. J. Math. Phys. 54 022201
  • L. Chen, Dragomir Z. Djokovic. (2013). Separability problem for multipartite states of rank at most four. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 275304
  • L. Chen, Dragomir Z. Djokovic. (2013). Properties and construction of extreme bipartite states having positive partial transpose. Comm. Math. Phys. 323
  • M. Hayashi, L. Chen. (2011). Weaker entanglement between two parties guarantees stronger entanglement with a third party. Phys. Rev. A 84 012325
  • L. Chen, M. Hayashi. (2011). Multicopy and stochastic transformation of multipartite pure states. Phys. Rev. A 83 022331
  • L. Chen, Eric Chitambar, K. Modi, G. Vacanti. (2011). Detecting multipartite classical states and their resemblances. Phys. Rev. A 83 020101(R)
  • L. Chen, H. Zhu, Tzu-Chieh Wei. (2011). Connections of geometric measure of entanglement of pure symmetric states to quantum state estimation. Phys. Rev. A 83 012305
  • H.J. Zhu, L. Chen, M. Hayashi. (2010). Additivity and non-additivity of multipartite entanglement measures. New J. Phys. 12 083002
  • L. Chen, H.J. Zhu, A.M. Xu. (2010). Computation of the geometric measure of entanglement for pure multiqubit states. Phys. Rev. A 82 032301
  • C. Branciard, H. Zhu, L. Chen, V. Scarani. (2010). Evaluation of two different entanglement measures on a bound entangled state. Phys. Rev. A 82 012327
  • W. Song, L. Chen, S.-L. Zhu. (2009). Sudden death of distillability in qutrit-qutrit systems. Phys. Rev. A 80 012331