
Eight CQT PhD students awarded degrees at 2015 ceremony

Congratulations to our new doctors!
10 July 2015

NUS commencement 2015

At the commencement ceremony to honour the NUS graduates of 2015, CQT's Hu Yu-Xin and Yang Tzyh Haur collected their degrees in person. They are pictured with their supervisors Valerio Scarani and Berge Englert, CQT Principal Investigators.


You aren't meant to ask a PhD student "how's your research going?" or "when will you finish your thesis"? That's because in the midst of a PhD, which takes years of perseverance, students can doubt they'll ever finish. But they do. This year, eight CQT PhD students were formally awarded their doctoral degrees at the National University of Singapore's commencement ceremony on 9 July.

"We at CQT are proud of our PhD graduates for who they are as people, as well as the scientists they have become. Their training, skills and character mean they have a lot to contribute to society whatever they choose to do next," says CQT Director Artur Ekert.

Including this year's cohort, CQT has seen a total of 25 students graduate since its programme was established in 2007. Most of the graduates have moved into postdoc positions on completing their studentship.

Find details of this year's graduates students below.

PHD@CQT Graduates, 2015


Markus Philipp Baden
Quantum Optics with Cavity-assisted Raman Transitions
Supervised by Murray Barrett

Gurpreet Kaur Gulati
Narrowband Photon Pairs From A Cold Atomic Vapour For Interfacing With A Single Atom
Supervised by Christian Kurtsiefer

Hu Yu-Xin
Artificial Gauge Fields And Topological Effects In Quantum Gases
Supervised by Berge Englert

Siddarth Koduru Joshi
Entangled Photon Pairs: Efficient Generation and Detection, and Bit Commitment
Supervised by Christian Kurtsiefer

Attila Pereszlenyi
Studies in Models of Quantum Proof Systems
Supervised by Rahul Jain

Bharath Srivathsan
Heralded Single Photons For Efficient Interaction With Single Atoms
Supervised by Christian Kurtsiefer

Tan Kok Chuan Bobby
Quantum Correlations in Composite Particles
Supervised by Dagomir Kaszlikowski

Yang Tzyh Haur
Device Independent Playground: Investigating and Opening Up A Quantum Black Box.
Supervised by Valerio Scarani