Alexander Lohrmann
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)
- C. Perumangatt, A. Lohrmann, A. Ling. (2020). Experimental conversion of position correlation into polarization entanglement. Phys. Rev. A 102 012404
- A. Lohrmann, C. Perumangatt, A.V.Zafra, A. Ling. (2020). Broadband pumped polarization entangled photon-pair source in a linear beam displacement interferometer. Applied Physics Letters 116 021101
- A.V.Zafra, A. J. Stolk, Adriaan Johannes Stolk, A. Lohrmann, A. Ling. (2019). Enhancing SPDC brightness using elliptical pump shapes. Optics Express 27 32235
- A. Ling, A.V.Zafra, A. J. Stolk, Adriaan Johannes Stolk, A. Lohrmann. (2019). Enhancing SPDC brightness using elliptical pump shapes. Optics Express 27 32235
- A. Lohrmann, A.V.Zafra, A. J. Stolk, Adriaan Johannes Stolk, A. Ling. (2018). Optimal spatial filtering for a bright entangled photon source. Applied Physics Letters 113 171109
- A.V.Zafra, A. Lohrmann, A. Ling. (2018). Experimental entangled photon pair generation using crystals with parallel optical axes. Optics Express 26 12396