Michele DallArno
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)

Former Research Fellow


  • D.Michele, A. Ho, Francesco Buscemi, V. Scarani. Data-driven inference and observational completeness of quantum devices.


  • D.Michele, Francesco Buscemi, V. Scarani. (2020). Extension of the Alberti-Uhlmann criterion beyond qubit dichotomies. Quantum 4 233
  • T.P. Le, D.Michele, V. Scarani. (2020). Worst-case Quantum Hypothesis Testing with Separable Measurements. Quantum 4 320
  • Clive Aw, D.Michele, V. Scarani. (2020). Knowledge by Direct Measurement versus Inference from Steering. Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 7 247
  • D.Michele, S.A.Brandsen, Francesco Buscemi. (2017). Device-independent tests of quantum channels. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473 20160721
  • D.Michele, S.A.Brandsen, Francesco Buscemi, V. Vedral. (2017). Device-independent tests of quantum measurements. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 250501
  • D.Michele, S.A.Brandsen, Alessandro Tosini, Francesco Buscemi, V. Vedral. (2017). No-hypersignaling principle. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 020401
  • Alessandro Bisio, D.Michele, Paolo Perinotti. (2016). Quantum conditional operations. Phys. Rev. A 94 022340
  • S.A.Brandsen, D.Michele, Anna Szymusiak. (2016). Communication capacity of mixed quantum t designs. Phys. Rev. A 94 022335
  • D.Michele. (2015). Hierarchy of bounds on accessible information and informational power. Phys. Rev. A 92 12328
  • D.Michele, Passaro, Elsa, Gallego, Rodrigo, Pawlowski, Marcin, Acin, Antonio. (2015). Detection Loophole Attacks on Semi-Device-Independent Quantum and Classical Protocols. Quantum Information and Computation 15