M. Trappe, J.H. Hue, Jonah Huang Zi Chao, M. Paraniak, Djamila Hiller, Jerzy Cioslowski, B.-G. Englert. (2023). Single-particle-exact density functional theory. Ann. Phys.459 169497
Jerzy Cioslowski, B.-G. Englert, M. Trappe, J.H. Hue. (2023). Contactium: A strongly correlated model system. J. Chem. Phys.158 184110
B.-G. Englert, J.H. Hue, Zi Chao Huang, M. Paraniak, M. Trappe. (2023). Energy functionals of single-particle densities: A unified view. Density Functionals for Many-Particle Systems: Mathematical Theory and Physical Applications of Effective Equations (World Scientific) 287-308
M. Trappe, J.H. Hue, B.-G. Englert. (2023). Density-potential functional theory for fermions in one dimension. Density Functionals for Many-Particle Systems: Mathematical Theory and Physical Applications of Effective Equations (World Scientific) 251-267
T.T. Chau, J.H. Hue, M. Trappe, B.-G. Englert. (2018). Systematic corrections to the Thomas-Fermi approximation without a gradient expansion. New J. Phys.20 073003