Dagomir Kaszlikowski Group

Our main research interest can be summarised in one word: CORRELATIONS. We are interested in correlations because, from an orthodox point of view, quantum theory is nothing more than a theory of correlations in space and time. Correlations are essential in studies of information aspects of quantum theory such as quantum nonlocality, contextuality and quantum information processing in general.

Recently we have also started investigations into the origins of ‘quantum supremacy’. Our approach is based on alternative formulations of quantum theory as local quasi-stochastic processes on quasi-probability distributions. The Holy Grail of this aspect of our research is to find new quantum algorithms and to better understand why quantum computers are more powerful than classical Turing machines.

We are also interested in the social, economical and environmental impacts of rapidly evolving quantum technologies.

More information at our homepage: http://dag.quantumlah.org

Principal Investigator
Centre for Quantum Technologies
Associate Professor
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore

Group Members

Recent papers

  • M. Gu, A.Tanggara, Ranjith Nair, S.Assad, Varun Narasimhachar, Spyros Tserkis, Jayne Thompson, Ping Koy Lam. (2024). Quantum-optimal information encoding using noisy passive linear optics. Quantum 8 1218
  • Xiangjing Liu, Jia Zhian, Yixian Qiu, Fei Li, Oscar Dahlsten. (2024). Unification of spatiotemporal quantum formalisms: mapping between process and pseudo-density matrices via multiple-time states. New J. Phys. 26 1-15
  • Jia Zhian, D. Kaszlikowski, Sheng Tan. (2024). Electric-magnetic duality of Z2 symmetry enriched Abelian lattice gauge theory. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 1-28
  • Jia Zhian, Minjeong Song, D. Kaszlikowski. (2023). Quantum space-time marginal problem: global causal structure from local causal information. New J. Phys. 25 123038 1-23
  • Jia Zhian, Sheng Tan, D. Kaszlikowski, Liang Chang. (2023). On weak Hopf symmetry and weak Hopf quantum double model. Comm. Math. Phys. 402 3045–3107
  • C.X. Aw, K. Onggadinata, D. Kaszlikowski, V. Scarani. (2023). Quantum Bayesian Inference in Quasiprobability Representations. PRX Quantum 4 020352
  • Zaw Lin Htoo, L.Zakarya, C.H. Nguyen, K. W. Tseng, D. Matsukevich, D. Kaszlikowski, V. Scarani. (2022). Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions. New J. Phys. 24 083023
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