Fernando Valadares
CQT PhD Student



  • Fernando Valadares, Ni-Ni Huang, Kyle Chu, Aleksandr Dorogov, Weipin Chua, Lingda Kong, S.Pengtao, Y.Gao. (2023). On-demand transposition across light-matter interaction regimes in bosonic cQED. Quantum Physics 2312 14665
  • P.Xiaozhou, J. Schwinger, N. N. Huang, Weipin Chua, S.Pengtao, Fumiya Hanamura, Atharv Joshi, Fernando Valadares, Radim Filip, Y.Gao. (2023). Protecting the Quantum Interference of Cat States by Phase-Space Compression. Phys. Rev. X 13 1496