
A successful QIP

Singapore hosted the 14th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing in January 2011.
18 January 2011

QIP Posters From 8-14 January, Singapore had a higher than usual concentration of quantum information scientists. Many experts were in town to attend QIP 2011, an important conference in the quantum science calendar. CQT staff and researchers had spent months organizing the event and were rewarded with positive feedback from delegates.

Even those who couldn't make it to Singapore could enjoy the academic programme. Videos of the scientific talks were posted online and are available here.

What isn't so easily transmitted over the internet is Singapore's tropical climate, which allowed for an unusual conference photo - in the venue's swimming pool.

QIP 2011 also brought quantum physics to the Singapore public, offering a well-attended public lecture by Charles H. Bennett from IBM Research, USA, at the Singapore Management University.

Quantum in a ballroom












Quantum in a ballroom: QIP 2011 as seen by CQT's Dagomir Kazlikowski. More of his photos here.

The 15th workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2012) will be held in Montreal in December 2011(!).