Industry Projects and Partnerships

To bring quantum technologies to market takes both technical expertise and commercial acumen. We combine skills with industry partners to maximise the chances of success and impact. This page highlights some of our projects and partnerships. Singapore's Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) has since 2018 supported new translational projects with industrial partners. CQT plays a leading role in the National Quantum-Safe Network and National Quantum Computing Hub.


CQT Principal Investigators are supported by Singapore’s DSO National Laboratories to work on projects including satellite quantum communications and gravimetric sensing.


SGInnovate is a Singapore government-backed organisation supporting the local development of deep tech. CQT collaborates with SGInnovate to support quantum as one of their focus areas, involving talks, training and support for startups.


CQT is collaborating with the National Supercomputing Centre Singapore on trials of quantum networks and in the National Quantum Computing Hub.


Under two project agreements, CQT researchers are collaborating with the centre's spin-off SpeQtral on projects on quantum satellites and on quantum-safe networks.