What we do

Group photo of CQT researchers, students and staff standing by a pond taken from above

The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) is Singapore’s flagship national research centre in quantum technologies. Supported under Singapore’s National Quantum Strategy, the centre has nodes at partner institutions and coordinates research talent across the country.

Our partner institutions are universities – the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) – and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

We bring together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physics and to build devices based on quantum phenomena. Experts in this new discipline of quantum technologies are applying their discoveries in computing, communications, and sensing.


We pursue insight into the physics that describes light, matter, and information. We develop novel tools to study and control their interactions. Our research goals range from understanding the properties of materials to working out new encryption schemes.


We build technologies for secure communication, quantum computing, and precision measurement. We create our own software and control systems that push the boundaries of what’s possible. We collaborate and consult with industry.


We train people from undergraduates to postdoctoral fellows. Our quantum technologists are skilled in planning and problem-solving, with diverse skills such as coding, circuit design, and systems engineering. Our alumni have moved on to jobs in academia and industry.

CQT research areas

Research at CQT spans quantum communication and security, quantum computation and simulation, and quantum sensing and metrology, supported by the development of advanced instruments. The Centre’s researchers also study basic quantum science to uncover new knowledge. Explore our research pages for more details on what the Centre's groups are working on.

Research areas

CQT in national-level quantum programmes

  • National Quantum-Safe Network - conducting nationwide trials of quantum-safe communication technologies that aim to enhance network security for critical infrastructure, led by researchers at CQT, NUS and NTU with public-private partnerships.

  • National Quantum Computing Hub - developing quantum computing capabilities and exploring applications through industry collaborations, a joint initiative of CQT with A*STAR's Institute of High Performance Computing and the National Supercomputing Centre Singapore.

  • National Quantum Federated Foundry - supporting microfabrication techniques for quantum devices and enabling technologies, hosted at A*STAR's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering with the director co-appointed as a CQT PI.

  • National Quantum Processor Initiative - new in 2024 under Singapore's National Quantum Strategy, this initiative is to build local capabilities in the design and build up of Singapore’s own quantum processor(s) and is driven by CQT's Director.

CQT by numbers

CQT has 253 total staff and students
CQT has 24 Principal Investigators, 7 CQT Fellows and 90 PhD students
Seven quantum spin-offs and startups have been created by CQT staff and alumni.
CQT has produced 2568 research publications since it was established in 2007.

* CQT by numbers is as of 31 December 2023. Publication data is taken from Clarivate Web of Science, counting from when the Centre was established on 7 December 2007.

CQT's history

Quantum research in Singapore was initiated in 1998 by Kwek Leong ChuanLai Choy HengOh Choo Hiap and Kuldip Singh as a series of informal seminars at the National University of Singapore. The seminars attracted local researchers and resulted in the formation of the Quantum Information Technology Group, informally referred to in Singlish as quantum lah (read more about the expression 'lah' on Wikipedia).

In February 2002, support from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) consolidated research efforts in the field and led to a number of faculty appointments.

In 2007, the Quantum Information Technology Group was selected as the core of Singapore’s first Research Centre of Excellence (RCE). The Research Centres of Excellence programme was established by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Ministry of Education to spur research excellence in Singapore's universities, enabling world-class investigator-led research aligned with the country's long-term strategic interests. CQT was founded as the first centre under this programme in December 2007.

CQT was hosted as an RCE at the National University of Singapore and has researchers co-appointed with other institutes of higher learning and research organisations. The Director reports to an independent Governing Board and takes guidance from a Scientific Advisory Board.

The Centre graduated from the RCE scheme in December 2022 since such centres are limited to 15-year terms. CQT charts a new phase of growth with a two-year bridging grant from NRF to support a transition towards a national centre with expanded roles and membership.

Singapore's National Quantum Strategy was announced in May 2024 with funding of close to $300 million over five years from Singapore’s Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 (RIE 2025) plan. Under the NQS, CQT will be elevated to a flagship national research centre to coordinate reseach talent across the country.

Quantum researchers are also found outside CQT in Singapore's institutes of higher learning and research institutes. QuantumSG is a community-led initiative to bring together all groups in Singapore working on quantum information technologies.

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